Sugar Dating: Sugar Partners Like Two Halves Of A Whole

Adrian Johnson
10 min readAug 6, 2020


What for to pretend or play games? Everything becomes transparent with time, isn’t it? Instead, you can engage in the interaction based on mutual assistance and understanding. Below is an in-depth review of sugar dating, which’s become so popular lately. Find out more about it and change your life!

This article was made with the support of The exact data presented here is taken from the results of the survey.

SD/SB Dating

Sugar Dating: No Obligations, No Unjustified Expectations, No Disappointment

Mutually beneficial arrangement sounds like a sweet fantasy for those who are exhausted by continuous unhappy affairs. Actually, they’re real, and a lot of people prefer it to ordinary relations. Sugar dating is based on honesty and transparency that exclude any violation of someone’s freedom or personal space.

There are no compulsions, restrictions, or pleasant emotions you’ll definitely remember for a long time. This’s the core thing of such relations. Moreover, each partner gets benefits from it. For a sugar daddy, it’s a good company, while his sugar baby gets financial support.

Nowadays wealthy men are often looking for young beautiful ladies to have a good time without any obligations. Girls, in their turn, want luxury life they simply can’t afford. In such a way, people cooperate, making a favor for a favor. Sugar relations provide them with an opportunity to get what they really want, being sincere towards each other. Finally, such an approach makes them even more desired.

Sugar daddy: Is he really sweet?

What’s the meaning of sugar daddy? What does usually come to our mind when you hear this newfangled concept? Perhaps, it’s a picture where an old, pot-bellied man gives money to a young, naive beauty. Actually, it has nothing to do with the reality.

Sugar daddy is a man who knows for sure what he really wants and won’t mess someone around. He’s successful and respected. He appreciates time and isn’t ready to waste it. That’s why he’ll probably explain in detail what he’s looking for from your relations.

In no way, sugar daddy won’t induce a girl to something against her will. Sugar dating distributes an idea of harmonious relations, absolutely free of any negative shades. Both partners have to feel comfortable and radiate joy and satisfaction. Though a lady is paid for her company, it doesn’t belittle her rights and wills. These relations are mutually beneficial, because there are only advantages for everyone.

Sugar daddy can be defined as a man of a luxury class. He’s stylish and looks awesome. He can afford expensive restaurants, resorts, travels, but as a rule, doesn’t have a lot of time for it because of his busyness. Most of such men successfully run some business or hold quite high ranks.

In fact, these men of a luxury class used to keep everything under control. Usually, they don’t adapt to circumstances, but change them to their needs. They’re decisive and wise. A man can’t become a sugar daddy unwillingly. It can be just a deliberate and informed decision.

Sugar daddy is certainly a wealthy person who can afford a lot, still he knows the value of money and won’t launch out. He’ll be glad to satisfy his lady or amaze her with expensive gifts or travels, but only that one he’s really attracted to. He is neither greedy nor wasteful. Still, if he decides to start such an interaction, he’s ready for additional expenses for pleasure.

Sugar daddy is independent and can’t sacrifice his freedom. This is one of the reasons to start a sugar affair. He won’t let anybody to restrict him and break into his personal space, especially if he experienced it earlier. He successfully surpassed that period and will never come back. Such a man has enough wisdom, life experience, and courage to take life in his hands.

sugar lifestyle photos

Root cause of sugar relations

Why do men become sugar daddies? If you take into account the plot of hundreds of soap operas, the answer will be rather dramatic. Fatal poverty which makes young, beautiful girls with pure hearts sell their youth to rich men who, in their turn, want to build their self esteem. Please, dry your eyes! In reality, it’s more prosaic!

Nowadays human priorities have changed greatly. Women’s main aim isn’t to get married as soon as possible anymore. A lot of females become to appreciate freedom not less, than the male part of humanity. No wonder that sugar arrangement is a great chance for them not to feel lonely, without serious commitments. In such relations, they have many opportunities to reveal their personalities and not being stuck to household duties and everyday routine.

Material aspect also plays an important role. From everlasting, men take a function of financial security upon themselves. Actually, in sugar relations, the roles remain unchanged. However, both partners aren’t burdened by tedious obligations. Moreover, they get more liberty and personal space. They enjoy life without any restrictions.

As for men, getting older and achieving success, they become fed up with ordinary interactions and are looking for something uncommon. They don’t want to come across stressful situations, quarrels, and showdowns. They do their best to live a full life or even to start the second youth. Thus, sugar arrangement appeals perfectly to these guys.

In fact, we’re talking about relations by agreement where no one is made to be involved in. People make this choice consciously because such a lifestyle really appeals to them. Sometimes sugar dating has nothing to do with Cinderella or Pretty Woman, but don’t forget that the majority of movies’ plots are taken from real life.

The best partner for a sugar daddy

Sugar daddy can offer expensive gifts, luxury resorts, and complete financial support. The question arose: what he’s looking for in return. In general, he wants a good company of a pretty pleasant girl. People used to call these girls sugar babies.

Let’s try to describe a common sugar baby. First of all, she’s young and attractive. She cares much about her appearance and her body. Probably, she goes in for sports and works hard to look really great. In fact, her beauty is her business card, the first thing men pay attention to. She can’t afford to look ordinary, as it’ll make it rather complicated to find a decent sugar daddy.

Except for being beautiful, she probably has to be smart and erudite to hold any conversation. You’ll agree that a good company presupposes not only pleasure for the eyes, but also sapid talks when an hour merges into another. Moreover, sugar daddy can’t afford his baby to embarrass him among his friends or colleagues. Just a pretty face means nothing. Attractive appearance should be sustained by more vital characteristics.

To become a competitive sugar baby, a girl needs to be free from prejudices, active, sociable, and ready for adventures. Starting such relations is a kind of exciting adventure, but no one knows what’s ahead. She can’t be shy or restricted as to who would like to share a hilarious time with such a person. Sugar daddy is looking for a new free era of his life, and his baby has to help him, not prevent it.

Ideally, a sugar baby is a breath of fresh air for her sugar daddy. He forgets about loneliness as well feels that he’s important and influential. Men really need these feelings as they make them stronger and inspire them for new wins.

sugar daddy gifts

Benefits of sugar arrangement

No strong feelings

It means that partners don’t have a vital necessity for each other. They have a great time together, but can easily stop it and go on. If someone doesn’t feel comfortable anymore, relations are over, and no one feels intolerable pain. Sugar partners can’t seriously hurt or break each other’s heart. This is a point for this kind of relationship!

No regrets

Sugar arrangement presupposes clearness and absence of any false hopes and promises. Partners have fun and enjoy each other’s company. In such a way, they can’t have any regrets or offenses, even when their interaction ends up. Sugar relations presuppose only positive experience and satisfaction, so both partners are almost likely to have only pleasant memories.

Mutual respect

Sugar daddy and sugar baby don’t have strong feelings and their relations are based on profit, so they can’t, but respect each other. They’re honest and give each other a chance to be himself, not to hide real desires and aren’t afraid of facing misunderstanding. Partners don’t need to impress each other, stepping over themselves. Probably, each person dreams about enjoying who he really is, without any pretenses and tricks.

Durable honeymoon

Sugar relations are like an endless honeymoon when people don’t argue and complain, but just have fun, satisfaction, and joy. There’s an atmosphere of romance and tranquility, which can’t be disturbed. This time is free from commonness and has nothing to do with everyday routine. When this honeymoon period ends, relations are over and ex partners are thankful for the wonderful time.

Sugar relations’ myths

No doubt, sugar dating is quite a new word combination, but the phenomenon of mutually beneficial relationships was known for a long time ago. Thus, it has a lot of wild guesses and prejudices. Let’s break down the most popular myths.

Sugar daddies are old and ugly

It’s complete nonsense! Though we don’t forget that every man to his own taste. Sugar daddy is a man of a high class who can’t allow himself to look bad. He’s modern, restrained, and attractive.

Except for stylish clothes, these men take care about their bodies. They go in for sports, eat healthy food, and usually don’t have bad habits. It goes without saying, money isn’t the main sugar daddy’s advantage.

Plunging into sugar relations, man’s going to enjoy life and he should be satisfied with himself. It’s a period of his second youth, so he probably looks better than a decade ago.

As for the age, most sugar daddies are at least in their thirties. Remember they have a great standing in society, which is impossible to reach in early age. They’re rich and successful that need time to be achieved. Still, their age isn’t a repulsive factor, as many sugar babies find it to be a great plus, as they have an opportunity to get invaluable life experience.

Most likely, a sugar daddy will be older than his partner, but in no way he’ll be unattractive. He’s handsome, strong, wise, charismatic. Who will actually think about the age with such a man?

Besides, older men are mature and have life experience, which is appreciated by younger women. There’s another beneficial exchange as it really flatters men to feel their superiority, while women get priceless knowledge that can be used in future.

Sugar babies are silly and mercantile

Quite a prevalent, but mistaken opinion. It isn’t so easy to become a sugar baby, as a lot of people think. If a girl has a pretty face and alluring curves, it doesn’t mean that she’ll achieve success in such an activity. Men are looking for a good company, an interesting interlocutor to have a splendid time with, not just a beautiful picture next to him.

Very often, sugar daddies need a company to attend a social event, so they won’t choose someone who isn’t ready for a swell society. A girl should be intelligent, well-educated, and well-mannered to become a “decoration” to any event. Probably, a wise woman can easily find many ways to look attractive, but not vice versa.

It isn’t a secret that sugar daddies pay money to their sugar babies, present expensive gifts, and so on. However, it’s the main thing of such interaction. We’re talking about mutually beneficial relationships where one good turn deserves another. All the details are clear from the very beginning: men have a good company, and girls get money for it. In such a way, no one will be surprised or disappointed by the unfair attitude of each other.

In our modern world, not all the couples are based on mutual pure love. Often finance is perceived as the most important one. In this case, people who choose money over feelings can be justifiably called mercantile and insincere, but not in sugar arrangements.

Sugar relations as an equivalent of prostitution

One more widely spread point of view. Actually, this myth can be easily exposed. Sex isn’t an obligatory point of sugar partnership. Surely, if people are physically attracted by each other, it’s up to them to decide which kind of relations to have, but no one has the right to judge and label them.

No doubt, the core thing of sugar dating is companionship and pleasant time spent together. Usually, sugar daddies want more than just an hour with a woman. Of course, we don’t say about the life time relations, but they definitely look for continuous meetings and attention.


People who’re in sugar relations have no commitments, duties, quarrels, and disagreement. Actually, they experience a continuous honeymoon period. Such mutual arrangements are based on comfort, understanding, honesty, and respect. Partners discuss all details beforehand, mark boundaries, and don’t break them, which is the recipe for success.

Sugar daddy and sugar baby get appropriate benefits from their affair. A girl devotes her time and attention to her man and gets financial support from him. Moreover, both of them have splendid carefree time. They’re like two parts who complement each other, making a complete and harmonious picture. Try it too and make your life brighter!



Adrian Johnson

I’ve been working in online dating for 10 years. Not to be recognised, I use a pseudonym and not real photo and want to share my thoughts, researches here.