How To Get Rid Of Your Victim Mentality!!!

Joshua Adlam
2 min readFeb 9, 2022
Photo by Salman Hossain Saif on Unsplash

I want to start the article by stating if you are a victim in most situations, with all due respect this article may offend you.

Let’s be real, being a victim is easy. It’s easy to blame someone else and make things their fault. It’s super easy to not have to look in the mirror and accept responsibility.

But you know what?

You need to stop being a victim!


Because it does not help you get anywhere in life.

Being a victim is literally one of the most toxic and immature things a person could consistently do.

Here is how you can stop

The #1 way to stop being a victim is to be accountable and responsible for everything that happens to you.

It’s that simple. I personally learned this concept from a book called “Extreme Ownership”. You really need to look in the mirror and have a come to Jesus moment (you should also come to Jesus).

If you are overweight, accept the responsibility

If you don’t have a lot of money, accept the responsibility

If your kids are acting bad, accept the responsibility

If your team is underperforming, accept responsibility

No matter what it is you need to accept responsibility and hold yourself accountable in order to be able to react accordingly to the things life throws at you.

Your mind is the most dangerous place on earth. Whether you believe it or not you are able to stay in control and locked in no matter the situation.

Life is not happening to you it's happening for you.

You can be free from living life as a victim and living it as a victor!

Let me know if you have struggled with being a victim in the comments. I know I have.



Joshua Adlam

Man of God & Business Leader Seeking to Challenge Social Narratives Through A lens Of Faith😀