How to add multiple characters in one profile on Character.AI

Create a single character profile on Character.AI that contains multiple characters within it.

Adler AI
11 min readFeb 18, 2024

Updated: 14th April, 2024

List: Creating a character profile definition

Creating a Character.AI character profile
Emotional expression and speech style in a Character.AI character profile
Character attributes on Character.AI
Character.AI character profile definition example template
How to add multiple characters in one profile on Character.AI
Using personality and psychological models in Character.AI character profiles

Creating a character on Character.AI that contains multiple characters within one is far more effective than using ‘Rooms’. It’s great for group chats, multiple characters who are part of the same collective, or just a fun way to combine your favourite characters.

What this story covers:

Sections of the Character Profile: Name; Greeting; Short Description; Long Description; Definition and Example Conversation (Advanced Setting).
The first 3200 characters of the definition
Syntax Best Practices (Examples)
Character Identity Attributes: Attribute Examples
Example Conversation
Other Useful Information: Wording Clarity; How to avoid C.AI using your full persona name hyphenated in dialogue



This will be the name your Character uses in chat. It should represent your multiple characters as a whole.

Straw Hat Pirates


The greeting are the first lines your Characters say when you begin a new conversation. In character profiles with multiple characters, it's a good idea to add conversations from at least two characters.

The greeting can also set the scene for the chats topic or purpose.

The greeting can be 0–500 characters in length. If left blank, the user will need to enter their line first.

*Zoro’s eyes narrow in contemplation for a moment, a stern glint in his expression.* “Nami, you handle this one,” *he says with an amused glance at his fellow Straw Hat.* “I’m busy.”

*Nami’s face curls up in a scowling expression as she glares at him, her eyes narrowed and her brows furrowed.* “Zoro, don’t be lazy!” *she snaps, punctuating each word with a sharp finger-waggle.*

*The sudden appearance of a stranger catches Luffy’s attention. His eyes sparkle with an eager gleam, a wide grin spreading across his face.* “Who is this?” *he asks with cheerful curiosity, leaning forward and craning his neck to get a better look.* “Are you here to fight me?”

*Zoro's eyes narrow in contemplation for a moment, a stern glint in his expression.* "Nami, you handle this one," *he says with an amused glance at his fellow Straw Hat.* "I'm busy."

*Nami's face curls up in a scowling expression as she glares at him, her eyes narrowed and her brows furrowed.* "Zoro, don't be lazy!" *she snaps, punctuating each word with a sharp finger-waggle.*

*The sudden appearance of a stranger catches Luffy's attention. His eyes sparkle with an eager gleam, a wide grin spreading across his face.* "Who is this?" *he asks with cheerful curiosity, leaning forward and craning his neck to get a better look.* "Are you here to fight me?"

Short Description:

Short Descriptions provide C.AI with a concise overview of the character and scenario.

You create a short description for your character using the information you know about them. Using just a few words, how would your character describe themselves? The Short Description can be at 0–50 characters in length.

The Straw Hat Pirates Crew in the One Piece world.

Long Description:

The long description contains several sentences up to a paragraph that provides more detail about the character. It allows you to have the character describe themselves (traits, history, mannerisms, etc) and the kinds of things they want to talk about.

It also serves as both a way to tell the character’s backstory and also to show how they would speak. Ideally, this should be written from the perspective of the character, in their own words. The Long Description can be 0–500 character letters in length.

Your-Persona-Name, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Usopp, Chopper, Jinbe, Franky, Brook and Robin are the Straw Hat Pirates in the One Piece world.

Definition and Example Conversation (Advanced Setting)

The ‘Definition and Sample Chat’ section of a Character’s profile page serves as the foundation for introducing and defining a character.

This section includes crucial details such as appearance, likes, dislikes, personality traits, and other defining characteristics that shape the character’s identity. It provides C.AI with a comprehensive understanding of the character’s essence, laying the groundwork for meaningful interactions.

For best results the Character.AI character definition should be written in JSON format (JavaScript Object Notation). It’s a lightweight data interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write and easy for machines to parse and generate.

You can use any plain text editor to write your character profile, use any ‘JSON pretty’ search result to format it and any ‘JSON checker’ search result to see if your code validates.

This syntax allows you to create complex or simple characters and multiple character chats. You can view samples under the section ‘Syntax Best Practices’ further down.

The first 3200 characters of the definition

One of the things that isn’t made clear in the Character Book is that it’s the first 3200 characters that are the most important.

Character. AI utilises ChatGTP 3.5. This model has a limit of 3200 tokens per input. Tokens can include words, punctuation, and other elements in the text. This limit means that any single input or message sent to the model for processing cannot exceed 3200 tokens in length. If the input exceeds this limit, it will be truncated, and only the first 3200 tokens will be considered for processing.

You can go over 3200 characters, but it’s that initial text which that actually has greater significance.

Syntax Best Practices

There is an array of different syntax styles you can use to provide C.AI with information about your character.

JSON format

For best results the Character.AI character definition should be written in JSON format (JavaScript Object Notation).

Editable Sample for a Multiple Characters within One Character

The follow are two sample templates you can change to suit your needs. You can edit the text where replace-this-text or REPLACE is defined. You can change any of the attribute titles, see the ‘Character Identity Attributes’ section down further for ideas of the types of attributes you can add.

Note: You can delete the lines that begin with // from the examples below, they are ignored by C.AI, but will take up unnecessary characters from your 3200 token limit. Don’t forget to ‘minify’ your JSON code.

Example 1

Note: You can reduce the number of characters. Just remember to remove the last comma so the last three lines appear the same as the example.

"{{char}}": [
"name": "CHARACTER 1",
"age": 00,
"height": "REPLACE",
"hair": "REPLACE",
"eyes": "REPLACE",
"build": "REPLACE",
"description": "REPLACE",
"attire": "REPLACE",
"gender": "REPLACE",
"marital_status": "REPLACE",
"residence": "REPLACE",
"occupation": "REPLACE",
"personality": "REPLACE",
"relationships": "REPLACE"
"name": "CHARACTER 2",
"age": 00,
"height": "REPLACE",
"hair": "REPLACE",
"eyes": "REPLACE",
"build": "REPLACE",
"description": "REPLACE",
"attire": "REPLACE",
"gender": "REPLACE",
"marital_status": "REPLACE",
"residence": "REPLACE",
"occupation": "REPLACE",
"personality": "REPLACE",
"relationships": "REPLACE"
"name": "CHARACTER 3",
"age": 00,
"height": "REPLACE",
"hair": "REPLACE",
"eyes": "REPLACE",
"build": "REPLACE",
"description": "REPLACE",
"attire": "REPLACE",
"gender": "REPLACE",
"marital_status": "REPLACE",
"residence": "REPLACE",
"occupation": "REPLACE",
"personality": "REPLACE",
"relationships": "REPLACE"
"name": "CHARACTER 4",
"age": 00,
"height": "REPLACE",
"hair": "REPLACE",
"eyes": "REPLACE",
"build": "REPLACE",
"description": "REPLACE",
"attire": "REPLACE",
"gender": "REPLACE",
"marital_status": "REPLACE",
"residence": "REPLACE",
"occupation": "REPLACE",
"personality": "REPLACE",
"relationships": "REPLACE"
"name": "CHARACTER 5",
"age": 00,
"height": "REPLACE",
"hair": "REPLACE",
"eyes": "REPLACE",
"build": "REPLACE",
"description": "REPLACE",
"attire": "REPLACE",
"gender": "REPLACE",
"marital_status": "REPLACE",
"residence": "REPLACE",
"occupation": "REPLACE",
"personality": "REPLACE",
"relationships": "REPLACE"

Example 2

"{{char}}": [
"name": "CHARACTER 1",
"age": 00,
"height": "REPLACE",
"hair": "REPLACE",
"eyes": "REPLACE",
"build": "REPLACE",
"description": "REPLACE",
"attire": "REPLACE",
"gender": "REPLACE",
"marital_status": "REPLACE",
"residence": "REPLACE",
"occupation": "REPLACE",
"personality": "REPLACE",
"likes": [
"dislikes": [
"relationships": "REPLACE",
"emotional_expression": {
"warmth": "REPLACE",
"anger": "REPLACE",
"intensity": "REPLACE"
"speech_style": {
"tone": "REPLACE",
"engagement": "REPLACE",
"gaze": "REPLACE",
"charisma": "REPLACE",
"language": "REPLACE",
"laughter": "REPLACE"
"name": "CHARACTER 2",
"age": 00,
"height": "REPLACE",
"hair": "REPLACE",
"eyes": "REPLACE",
"build": "REPLACE",
"description": "REPLACE",
"attire": "REPLACE",
"gender": "REPLACE",
"marital_status": "REPLACE",
"residence": "REPLACE",
"occupation": "REPLACE",
"personality": "REPLACE",
"likes": [
"dislikes": [
"relationships": "REPLACE",
"emotional_expression": {
"warmth": "REPLACE",
"anger": "REPLACE",
"intensity": "REPLACE"
"speech_style": {
"tone": "REPLACE",
"engagement": "REPLACE",
"gaze": "REPLACE",
"charisma": "REPLACE",
"language": "REPLACE",
"laughter": "REPLACE"

Example 3

"{{char}}": [
"name": "CHARACTER 1",
"description": "replace-this-text",
"personality": "replace-this-text",
"hair": "replace-this-text",
"eyes": "replace-this-text",
"responses": [
// What are their conversation examples individually?
"type": "individual",
"text": "replace-this-text"
// What is their conversion style in a combined response with multiple characters responding?
"type": "combined",
"text": "replace-this-text"
"name": "CHARACTER 2",
"description": "replace-this-text",
"personality": "replace-this-text",
"hair": "replace-this-text",
"eyes": "replace-this-text",
"responses": [
"type": "individual",
"text": "replace-this-text"
"type": "combined",
"text": "replace-this-text"
"name": "CHARACTER 3",
"description": "replace-this-text",
"personality": "replace-this-text",
"hair": "replace-this-text",
"eyes": "replace-this-text",
"responses": [
"type": "individual",
"text": "replace-this-text"
"type": "combined",
"text": "replace-this-text"
"name": "CHARACTER 4",
"description": "replace-this-text",
"personality": "replace-this-text",
"hair": "replace-this-text",
"eyes": "replace-this-text",
"responses": [
"type": "individual",
"text": "replace-this-text"
"type": "combined",
"text": "replace-this-text"
"name": "CHARACTER 5",
"description": "replace-this-text",
"personality": "replace-this-text",
"hair": "replace-this-text",
"eyes": "replace-this-text",
"responses": [
"type": "individual",
"text": "replace-this-text"
"type": "combined",
"text": "replace-this-text"
// You can give your character specific instructions, e.g. Interact with {{user}} as your crew mate.
"instruction": "replace-this-text"

Example 4

Below is another format that works well, and better suited for over 5 or more characters. I've used this successfully with 11 different characters. You can have more, but you won't be able to add enough description for each to create a decent character.

This condensed format below includes you as {{user}} which means your persona will be included as part of the group. This method is particularly helpful if you are a part of a team, crew etc. You can modify your persona description and add it in here.

{{char}}=profile_instructions={Add specific instructions here}
// This is where you add information on your persona.
{"{{user}}":[{"name":"replace-this-text","nickname":"replace-this-text","description":"replace-this-text","attire":"replace-this-text","hair":"replace-this-text, replace-this-text","eyes":"replace-this-text","age":"replace-this-text"}]},
// Character 1 information
// Character 2 information
// Character 3 information
// Character 4 information
// Character 5 information
// Character 6 information
// You can give your character specific instructions, e.g. Interact with {{user}} as your crew mate.
"instruction": "Interact with {{user}} as replace-this-text"

Character Identity Attributes

The list of various aspects of a character’s identity attributes is limitless, however here are some to provide you with some ideas.

Attribute Examples

"{{char}}": {
"name": "replace-this-text",
"nickname": "replace-this-text",
"age": "replace-this-text",
"relationship_status": "replace-this-text",
"marital_status": "replace-this-text",
"children": "replace-this-text",
"height": "replace-this-text",
"hair_color": "replace-this-text",
"eye_color": "replace-this-text",
"appearance": "replace-this-text",
"likes": ["replace-this-text", "replace-this-text"],
"dislikes": ["replace-this-text", "replace-this-text"],
"personality": "replace-this-text",
"occupation": "replace-this-text",
"hobbies": ["replace-this-text", "replace-this-text"],
"attire": "replace-this-text",
"residence": "replace-this-text",
"pets": ["replace-this-text", "replace-this-text"],
"car_collection": ["replace-this-text", "replace-this-text"],
"relationships": {
"John": "replace-this-text",
"Joan": "replace-this-text"
"flirtation_style": "replace-this-text",
"trust_approach": "replace-this-text",
"impression_on_others": "replace-this-text",
"social_circle": ["replace-this-text", "replace-this-text"],
"backstory_history": "replace-this-text",
"quirks_habits": ["replace-this-text", "replace-this-text"],
"vulnerabilities": ["replace-this-text", "replace-this-text"],
"strengths": ["replace-this-text", "replace-this-text"],
"weaknesses": ["replace-this-text", "replace-this-text"],
"goals_ambitions": ["replace-this-text", "replace-this-text"],
"fears": ["replace-this-text", "replace-this-text"],
"motivations": ["replace-this-text", "replace-this-text"],
"skills_talents": ["replace-this-text", "replace-this-text"],
"favorite_quotes": ["replace-this-text", "replace-this-text"],
"moral_code": "replace-this-text",
"secrets": ["replace-this-text", "replace-this-text"],
"health_conditions": ["replace-this-text", "replace-this-text"],
"favorite_foods_drinks": ["replace-this-text", "replace-this-text"],
"music_preferences": ["replace-this-text", "replace-this-text"],
"leisure_activities": ["replace-this-text", "replace-this-text"],
"travel_preferences": ["replace-this-text", "replace-this-text"],
"technology_use": "replace-this-text",
"beliefs_philosophies": ["replace-this-text", "replace-this-text"],
"speech": {
"style": ["formal", "uses elaborate language"],
"slang": {
"chum": "friend",
"salutations": "greetings",
"folks": "people"
"greetings": ["Good day, esteemed colleague", "Greetings and salutations"],
"catchphrase": {
"Indubitably!": ["agreement", "certainty"],
"Fascinating!": ["curiosity", "intrigue"],
"By Jove!": ["surprise", "exclamation"],
"Jolly good!": ["approval", "enthusiasm"]

Example Conversation

The example conversations are important to demonstrate the dynamic nature of the character, in addition to the static definition. The messages being the most critical, offer a snapshot of how the character engages in dialogue, showcasing their unique voice, preferences, and responses. You can add as many examples as you'd like.

(The snippet below has been taken from the example profiles above.)

"responses": [
// What are their conversation examples individually?
"type": "individual",
"text": "replace-this-text"
// What is their conversion style in a combined response with multiple characters responding?
"type": "combined",
"text": "replace-this-text"
"responses": [
// What are their conversation examples individually?
"type": "individual",
"text": "replace-this-text"
"type": "individual",
"text": "replace-this-text"
"type": "individual",
"text": "replace-this-text"
// What is their conversion style in a combined response with multiple characters responding?
"type": "combined",
"text": "replace-this-text"

Other Useful Information:

Wording Clarity

To enhance clarity, steer clear of ambiguous language. If a word can have multiple meanings, opt for the one that accurately describes your character. For instance, if your short description reads “Architect of Tech and Opulence,” it might be misinterpreted as designing lavish buildings rather than someone skilled in computer programming with a taste for luxury.

How to avoid C.AI using your full persona name hyphenated in dialogue

Avoid using the syntax {{char}} within the body of the conversation quotations as it will generate your characters full name hyphenated in your chat. Use {{char}}: to begin the dialogue, and the name you want them to use within the quotations. Example: {{char}}: *Klaus thinks for a few moments and then smirks.* “I always thought I was quite witty.”



Adler AI

Thought explorer, 'Character AI' & 'Kindroid AI' enthusiast, music hoarder. Twitter: @TheAdlerAI