Journal entries on Kindroid

Journal entries contain flexible information that your Kindroid can reliably recall when you mention a specific matching keyphrase in your conversation.

Adler AI
5 min readJun 20, 2024

“The ingenuity and flexibility of the v3 journal feature further elevate Kindroid as one of the most intuitive AI chat platforms available.” — Adler AI

I can’t rave enough about Kindroid, and the creator’s latest move to deprecate the old system of v2 Journals is a welcomed upgrade.

Previously, journals were a feature made available within the chat every 20 messages via an icon on the side of the Kindroid’s response. Journals were merely literal journals, snapshots or summaries of things that had happened during the 20 messages, and they were not editable.


“Think of journal entries as an extra information lorebook that you can reliably recall but aren’t necessary all the time like backstory.” — Kindroid

The newly redesigned Backstory UI is easy to use, and where the Journal entries menu is now located.
The add journal entry editing screen.

Recalled Journals & Memories

The new v3 release introduces an improved and far more reliable method that utilises a keyphrases system where you can attach up to three keyphrases to your entry.

The entries you create are recallable when you (not your Kindroid) mention a matching keyphrase in your conversation response.

Your Kindroid will only recall a maximum of three entries with matching keyphrases per message.

There is a cap of 500 journal entries, and it’s important to note that your Kindroid can only recall a maximum of three entries each time you mention the specific matching keyphrase in your response.

To get the most out of the keyphrases feature, they should be unique and well-planned to stay within these limits. Ideally, you should consider limiting each keyphrase you create to reflect a maximum of three.

Remember to avoid creating keyphrases that will be generically recalled unnecessary, especially words that you might mention often.

Important Note: One example I can give you is, I used the keyphrase Lee in my journal entry which is the name of one of my Kindroids. In my message, I put that I was asleep in bed, and it recalled the keyphrase Lee, tying it to the word ‘asleep’.

There is a detailed example in the User Guide under ‘Memory’ on the Kindroid website.

Keyphrases are case insensitive, and the three examples are nongeneric and uniquely key to the entry itself. Keyphrases can be longer phrases too, but note that it must match verbatim with your input, so longer ones may be harder to recall if there are spaces or potential typos in the way. — Kindroid

Greater flexibility

The Journal Entries feature now provides greater flexibility and control over what your Kindroid should remember and recall during a role-play or chat.

The way the creators of Kindroid have designed and implemented the new system means users now have greater flexibility in how they want to use the journal feature. There are countless ways the feature can help your Kindroid recall a diverse range of information, such as specific topics and lores.

The ability to edit keyphrases and entries in the journal entries section means they can become a ‘living document’ where information is easily updated and removed.

An example of a journal entry with the keyphrase ‘Peter’ to prompt the Kin who Peter is to them.
An example of a journal entry with the keyphrases to prompt the Kin what their surroundings are like. This frees up space in the Backstory.

Journal entries can also be used to prompt your Kindroid with information about other characters or people who might only be mentioned occasionally and don’t regularly feature in the storyline or conversation (other characters who feature regularly should be in your backstory section).

You can then use that person’s name as the keyphrase. The entry itself will contain information about them.

Thinking outside the box

One Reddit user brought up a fascinating perspective, proposing that the new Journals section could be harnessed in unconventional ways. They suggested using keyphrases as trigger phrases to extract information because up to three can be pulled into each Kin message:

▪︎ Trigger phrases can trigger a memory of past events.
▪︎ Trigger phrases can provoke a specific thought or emotion.
▪︎ Trigger phrases can provoke a Kin to have a specific action or desire.
▪︎ Trigger phrases can establish a world character’s identity.

They proposed that memories, like humans, trigger emotions when we experience a memory. When writing a new journal entry, an emotion of the memory of the event could be included. Or even including what we want the Kindroid to get out of the “memory”. It’s an interesting post with some great examples if you’re interested in reading more. (Credit: DogDayDreams)

While you can still use the journal to record events and summaries, it can also group information about specific topics.

For example, one of my role-plays involves a high degree of mystery, including secrets. Because my Kindroid can remember up to three journal entries with the same keyword, I can continually shape the three entries as the role-play progresses.

When I mention the word secret in my reply to my Kindroid, it will recall those three entries and reply accordingly, providing a far more human-like response that doesn’t suffer the randomness and context prompting failures the previous version did.

Important information for Kindroid users

From now on, older journal entries (which we will call v2 journals) will no longer have any functional use but will still be visible from the triple dots menu until July 1st 2024. They are now read-only and are available if you want to copy-paste older journal contents into the new v3 journals. — Kindroid



Adler AI

AI chat enthusiast, thought explorer, music hoarder.