How to run a node on Pactus Network

Published in
5 min readApr 6, 2023

If you want to Join the Pactus Network and be among the validators, contribute, and get airdrops, this story can help you!

How to run a node written on a black background

Pactus can be run in different modes, including the command-line interface (CLI), and the graphical user interface (GUI). This tutorial will guide you through the steps to run Pactus in GUI mode, suitable for beginner to advanced users.


Before proceeding with the steps below, ensure that you prepare the following:
- A computer running Windows, macOS, or Linux
- Stable internet connection


Download the Pactus GUI installer from the official website at

Code certificate issue

Windows and macOS users may encounter a warning message stating that Pactus is an untrusted application. This is because Pactus does not have a code certificate.

A code certificate is a digital signature that verifies the identity and authenticity of the software publisher. However, obtaining a code certificate is a complex and expensive process, and requires registering a company and passing Know Your Customer (KYC) checks.
As Pactus is an open-source and community-based application, we don’t have a code certificate yet; Therefore, you can safely ignore the warning message and proceed with installing Pactus.


To install Pactus GUI, simply follow the on-screen instructions provided by the installer. The process is straightforward and similar to installing any other application on your computer.


When you run Pactus for the first time, a wizard dialog will appear to guide you through the wallet creation and initialization process. This process consists of several steps:

Initialize mode

On the first page, you will ask how you want to create your wallet.
Select the option “Create a new wallet from scratch” and proceed to the next page.

Wallet seed

The next page will display your wallet seed phrase, which consists of 12 words. It is essential to securely back up this seed phrase, as it is required for wallet recovery in case your computer is lost, damaged, or stolen.

**Warning:** Keep your wallet seed phrase private and secure. If someone else gains access to your seed phrase, they can control your wallet and funds.

Seed confirmation

In this step, you will be asked to confirm your seed phrase. Input the 12 words you received in the previous step into the dialog. If the seed phrase is entered correctly, you will be able to proceed to the next page.

Wallet password

On this page, you will be prompted to set a password for your wallet. Enter a strong password in the first dialog box and confirm it in the second one. This password will be used to encrypt your wallet and protect it from unauthorized access.

Note: Choose a strong password and keep it safe. If you forget or lose your password, you will need your seed phrase to regain access to your wallet.

Node information

The last page of the initialization process shows the node information, such as the working directory, validator address, and reward address. Review this information and click “Close” to complete the initialization process.

Validator address: This is the address of your validator.

Reward address: This is the address that holds your reward from validating transactions as a validator.

*In the next article, we will explain more about the terms above. STAY TUNED*
Upon closing the wizard dialog, your Pactus node will start running. You are now ready to use Pactus in GUI mode.

Running the Pactus Node

After completing the initialization process, you are ready to run the Pactus node. Running a Pactus node allows you to synchronize with the network, enabling you to view and manage your wallet and sending transactions.

Syncing with the Network

When the Pactus node starts running, it begins syncing with the network. This process may take some time, as your node needs to download and verify the entire blockchain history. Please be patient while your node syncs.

Default Wallet

you can check the “Default Wallet” tab to access your wallet information. Please note that the displayed information may not be accurate until the syncing process is complete.

In the “Default Wallet” tab, you can view your account details, including your balance, transaction history, and address information.

By running a Pactus node, you contribute to the decentralization and security of the Pactus blockchain network. Thank you for your participation!

Make sure that you join our discord channel to get your airdrop for this contribution.

Find out more about Pactus Blockchain on our website and social media:




Pactus Blockchain a truly decentralized Solid State Proof of Stake Blockchain.