Who was Meno?

Vin Waid
3 min readApr 23, 2023


Hey there, fellow readers and history buffs! Today, we’re going to embark on a hilarious journey to uncover the mystery of Meno. Who was this enigmatic character from history? Was he a philosopher, a politician, or just a random dude who got lost in the annals of time? Let’s dig in and find out!

The story of Meno originated in ancient Greece, a time when togas were in fashion and philosophers roamed the streets pondering the meaning of life. It was during this era that a man named Plato, known for his philosophical musings and epic beard, penned down a dialogue titled “Meno.” Now, before you start imagining a dark and brooding anti-hero with a mask, let me tell you, this Meno was anything but!

Plato, the brilliant mind that he was, crafted a tale that was both deep and humorous, filled with witty banter and absurd situations. Meno, the protagonist of Plato’s dialogue, was a young man who found himself in a philosophical conundrum. He was curious about the nature of virtue and whether it could be taught or if it was innate. So, he sought the guidance of none other than Socrates, the famous Greek philosopher and gadfly.

But Meno was not your typical student eager to learn. No, he was more like a lost puppy trying to follow Socrates’ philosophical arguments, but getting hilariously tangled up in his own confusion. Picture a scene where Socrates is trying to explain a complex concept using his signature Socratic method, and Meno responds with a blank stare, scratching his head, and asking, “Wait, what?”

As the dialogue progresses, Meno’s naivety and lack of intellectual prowess become apparent, but in the most amusing way possible. He fumbles through his attempts to define virtue, coming up with one absurd definition after another, leaving Socrates and the readers in fits of laughter.

Plato’s “Meno” is not just a serious treatise on philosophy; it’s a comedy of errors that will have you chuckling with every turn of the page. Meno’s cluelessness and Socrates’ patient yet sarcastic responses create a comedic dynamic that is as entertaining as it is enlightening.

Plato’s witty writing style and his ability to infuse humor into a philosophical discourse is a testament to his genius. He crafted a story that not only made us ponder the deep questions of life but also made us laugh out loud while doing so. Who knew that philosophy could be so funny?

So, who was Meno? Well, he may not have been a historical figure or a legendary character, but he lives on in Plato’s “Meno” as a bumbling and endearing protagonist who stumbled his way through a philosophical inquiry with hilarious results. Whether you’re a philosophy aficionado or just someone who enjoys a good laugh, “Meno” is a must-read that will tickle your funny bone while expanding your mind.

In conclusion, Plato’s “Meno” is a comedic gem from ancient Greece that proves philosophy doesn’t have to be all serious and somber. It’s a delightful read that will leave you pondering life’s biggest questions with a smile on your face. So, go ahead, grab a copy, and get ready to embark on a hilarious adventure with Meno and Socrates. Happy reading and remember, it’s okay to laugh at philosophy! Who knew ancient Greek philosophy could be so much fun?



Vin Waid

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