Crewdo Admin
8 min readJul 17, 2017


When you think about how you can get insurance leads, you need to start by asking, where do potential customers go when they first have questions about insurance?

Yes, you guessed it…


If everyone is going to Google at the start of their insurance buying journey then that’s where you need to be to get leads for your insurance business.

So how can you increase your reach online to get insurance leads?

Obviously getting insurance leads online starts with your website, but just any old website won’t do. You need to be continually building your website like an ever growing hive.

You see, as you publish more and more content online in various web page formats you grow your hive.

Even more importantly, if you’re smart about it and cover the specific topics that potential customers are searching for within your niche, then your website is going to pop up at all the right times with the solutions to potential customers problems.

In this blog post I cover 7 methods you can use to attract and convert visitors into leads so that your brokerage generates a steady stream of insurance leads.

1. Request a Quote

Let’s start with the most effective and obvious page on your website. The request a quote page features on every insurance website and provides you with the best leads in the business.

The trick here is to make it as easy as possible for your visitors to convert into leads. So how can you optimise your request a quote page to get more leads?

Remove the clutter:

The focus of the request a quote page should remain on one thing only; requesting a quote. Make it as simple as possible for the visitor to perform the action of converting with no other distractions.

Faster loading time:

Loading time is the biggest contributor to people leaving your website. Make sure the speed of your site is more than acceptable and you will find that the amount of leads you generate increases.

Use images:

Images make your website look good and help people convert. When the right images are used to resonate with the type of leads you are trying to attract you can see conversion rates increase dramatically. Don’t underestimate the use of images.

Be clear with your directions:

Don’t presume someone will know how to request a quote, spell it out for them with call to actions that are clear and precise so that they know exactly what they should do next.

You should always be monitoring your request a quote conversion rates and strive to improve this metric month on month. Small improvements of 1% can mean a whole lot more leads and great increases in revenue.

2. Free Guides (Lead Magnet’s)

Free guides, commonly known as content offers or lead magnets in the marketing industry, are one of the most powerful tools you can use to get leads for your insurance business yet they are the most underused!

Lead magnets aren’t called that for no reason. The definition of a lead magnet is an irresistible bribe, offering a specific chunk of value to a prospect in exchange for their contact information. The goal of the lead magnet is to maximise the number of targeted leads you are getting for an offer.

These lead magnets or content offers come in many forms such as PDF’s, eBooks, White Papers, etc. but the goal is always the same, to convert as many website visitors into leads as possible.

Sure you’ve got your request a quote page to capture leads ready for a quote, but what about the rest of your website visitors that aren’t at that stage yet?

The percentage that aren’t yet ready to request a quote is well over 90%, are you willing to leave over 90% of potential business on the table for another insurance business to pick up???

I didn’t think so.

Before you go ahead and create your first Lead Magnet, you need to know who your ideal customer is and what questions they need answered so that you can tailor a guide that is of great value to this ideal customer and that they will download in exchange for their contact details.

A great marketing offer complements the insurance products and services you sell.

That guide you create should not be very focused on how awesome your products and services are, but it should address concepts that align with your offerings.

For example: Optimum Insurance sells professional indemnity insurance, so their offer focuses on helping prospects understand what they need to know when it comes to professional indemnity insurance, educating prospects on the problems they face and how they can overcome them.

3. Book a Meeting

Using simple meeting scheduling software like Acuity Scheduling or HubSpot’s free Meetings tool ,you can give potential customers an easy way to convert into a lead by booking a quick phone call with you at a time that not only suits them but in a block of time you have allocated to suit you.

You can customise these tools to work however you choose and best of all they sync with your calendar so that you will never be double booked.

For example: If you’re always in the office between 9–11am Tuesday to Friday then simply set the scheduling software to allow 10 minute meetings to be booked by potential customers in this time frame Tuesday to Friday every week.

Scheduling tools are also commonly used as an easy way to book meetings with clients. Simply send them the link to book a time that suits them when you are also available, avoiding having to go back and forth.

Not only will this increase leads but it also provides a vote of confidence to visitors to your website showing that you are available to speak with them should they choose to.

4. ChatBots

Chatbots are quickly becoming a powerful customer service tool in many industries. You have probably come across one of these automated helpers while browsing online. They often pop up on websites offering to provide guidance or answer questions.

In the insurance industry, these bots have the potential to revolutionise lead generation. By automating the initial stages of contact between brokers and potential leads, a bot can be more efficient in engaging website visitors, resulting in higher lead conversions.

For more information on Chatbots check out Gareth James article: A Complete Guide to Chatbots

5. Guest Posting

Guest posting on websites where your ideal customers are is a great way to get leads for your insurance business.

When looking for guest posting opportunities the website you are writing for must be relevant to your niche within the industry.

The goal of guest blogging is to:

  • Position yourself as an authority and well-known name in the industry.
  • Get exposure and send highly relevant traffic back to your website.
  • Build backlinks to your website to build strong Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).

You will be writing highly educational articles that provide great insight to potential customers and gives them the opportunity to learn more by following a clearly laid path to your website, where you have a simple process outlined to convert these prospects into leads.

6. Video

Video attracts higher engagement rates so it makes for a great method to get more leads. Not only this but it enables prospects to become familiar with you and your insurance brand personally, installing a sense of trust that written content can’t achieve.

One of the best methods you can use to get leads from video is to create call to actions that prospects can click on when watching your video. These take them to a landing page where they can access the content they are interested in and convert into a lead.

With video hosting services like Wistia you can also use capture forms within the video itself to collect leads.

If you have exceptional video content that prospects want to watch then using a capture form as a gateway to access the rest of the video is a good way to generate highly qualified leads.

7. Repurposing Content

You’ve taken the time to create remarkable content so now you want to get the maximum return possible on it.

Repurposing content enables you to reach more of your target audience by publishing your original content through other channels.

Not only that but because time is a precious resource, repurposing content saves a tremendous amount of time in the content creation process.

Great examples of this are:

  • Turning high performing blog posts into slide shows to publish on LinkedIn’s SlideShare. Then turn these slide shows into infographics to post as a new blog post.
  • Craft informative emails from the best pieces of blog content and link to the blog post so readers can find out more and convert into a lead.
  • Create a free guide from a series of blog posts that can be used to generate leads.
  • Create a podcast or video series from your blog posts.
  • Over time, share your content on your social media channels repeatedly. Each time use a different snippet from within the content as the message in the post to attract new readers and convert more new leads.
  • Publish blog posts on your personal and company LinkedIn profiles linking back to the original piece on your website where people interested in insurance can become leads. One important thing to remember here is whenever posting the original blog on other platforms make sure you don’t do it any sooner than one week after the original article was published so that it gives the original article a better chance to rank organically in Google. You want the original article on your website to rank highest as it is this piece that has a clear process outlined to generate leads.

These 7 ways to get insurance leads are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to your options in getting leads online. There are hundreds more you can use to generate leads for your insurance business, it’s just a matter of being proactive and creating content so that you can attract and convert your ideal customers into leads.

For more on how you can turn your website into a lead machine download our free guide “Website Enhancement for Serious Lead Generation”.

Originally Posted On www.crewdo.com.au

