How To Choose The Best Blog Niche To Make Money Online — My Adsense Tips

Christian Ihechi
12 min readDec 3, 2019

In our previous post, we talked about the best kind of websites you should create if you intend to make money from the website by monetizing it via ad networks like Google Adsense, or affiliate marketing if that’s your thing.

So, after choosing a blog, a forum or a free online tool as the kind of website you want to create contents on, which contents should you create?

That takes us to the discussion today.

How To Choose The Best Niches or Topics For Your Blog + Make Money Online Via Google Adsense

So, you’ve decided to start a blog after reading our post on what kind of websites to create that could earn you higher revenue than others via Google Adsense.

For making such a cool decision, I say congratulations! You have made the right choice.

After deciding to create a blog, what are you going to write about on your new blog?

Have you thought about the niche for your new blog? If no, which I guess, then read on.

Choosing the right niche for your blog is very important. It will determine the overall success of your blog at any point in time. It is the pillar of any successful blog.

Like choosing between a blog, forum or a free tool online, choosing the wrong blog niche will make you feel totally miserable and frustrated after you have invested so much into it and you seem unfit for the niche you picked.

To avoid wasting your precious time, you have to carefully make the right choice and do it when it’s really important.
All you need to pick the perfect niche is right here on this post.

A niche is not like every other word you hear easily, it’s probably something you would hear when talking about internet marketing or blogging.

For some of you that don’t know what the word niche means, let’s give a cool explaination of what a niche means in terms of blogging.

So, what’s a Niche in terms of blogging?

We would define a niche from the blogging perspective.

A niche in terms of blogging is a specific area or topic out of a bigger or broader category that a blog writes about or is based on. It’s the specific area a blog can be centered in, the theme and focus of the whole blog and its contents.

A blogging niche is the major topic or area of concentration that a blog’s content is written around.

When you choose a niche, all your posts revolve around that main theme, and that’s essentially all you talk about.

Below are some examples of blogging areas, topics and a few cool niches under them that can make the highest money with advertisements from Google Adsense.

  • Insurance
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Online education
  • Marketing and Advertising
  • Internet & telecom
  • Law — Lawyer, Legal averaging
  • Loans
  • Mortgage
  • Gas/Electricity
  • Conference
  • Online Banking
  • Home and Garden
  • Relationship
  • Work
  • Health
  • Culture
  • Interests
  • Tech
  • People
  • News
  • Sports etc.

If you are are a publisher in the US, Canada, UK, and Australia and you can have a specific niche in one of those highest paying niches, create unique and high-quality viral contents and have visitors on your blog, then, you’re already on your way to make money from home just via blogging.

Let me not distract you with making money for now. Let’s get back to how you can pick a solid niche for your website and start spawning content into your blog.

So, how do you choose the best niche for your website?

Before you start looking out for a perfect niche that will work out well for you, you need to consider the following important areas.

Purpose simply means the reason why something is done. The aim, intention or goal of something.

Let’s make it a little bit personal with this simple question.

The first question you should ask yourself when choosing a niche for your new blog is,

If that question leaves you confused, let’s make it more directed with a few more questions.

Ask yourself,

⦁ Is my blog just going to be for fun, kinda hobby?
⦁ Is my blog something I want to make money from online?

As simple as this question is, it is something that will practically guide you in choosing the best niche for your blog.

Whether your blog is for fun as a hobby or to make money online, it really doesn’t matter right now.

All that is needed is a blog that you will always love and keep on building, whether it’s a side hobby or an expected source of income online.

If you start a blog and know the main purpose of creating the blog initially, you won’t easily get lost or confused as you keep going.

If the purpose of your blog is to make money, there are a lot of things that come into play.

Here’s another quick question.

Do you want to make money from your blog as a full-time blogger or just some money that’s enough to take care of the cost of running your website like hosting, theme, plugins, domain, and maintenance?

There are so many niches that will grow very fast, get a lot of traffic but don’t have the potential to make good money.

So, if your purpose of blogging is to make money online, you have some more work to do and you will probably stay longer on this page.

Is your blog’s purpose strictly for making money online? Please read thoroughly and most importantly, the last part of this post.

Don’t skip any area.

The last part of this post will cover more tips and guides specifically dedicated to those of you who want to make a living online just from your blog.

For every other person who wants to pick a great niche(profit or leisure blog), let’s keep going.

In choosing a perfect niche for your website or blog, the next big thing to consider after knowing the purpose of your blog is:

What’s a passion?

Passion is a strong feeling of excitement or enthusiasm for something or about doing something.

Passion is a driving force that will always determine the success of your blog, from the start to its climax(not the end).

Let me ask you another question.

  • What are you passionate about?
  • Like, what inspires you?
  • What do you like to talk about, read about or do a lot?

If you are blogging on a niche that you have no zeal for, it doesn’t interest you and you don’t love it, you’ll surely get tired soon and stop the whole thing.

This happens mostly to people who start blogging on niches because others are doing it. Don’t ever choose a blogging niche because someone else is doing it or he or she is successful if you don’t have a passion for it.

Well, you can develop a passion for it if you just can’t let it go!

I initially started my blog as a passion and later monetized it. Then I kept on expanding to other micro niches, learned new things and kept growing.

All of what I blog about is what interest me.

Each day, I find myself naturally talking about it, reading about it, researching on it, discussing and blogging about it as well.

It’s like my character, habit, etc.

When you have passion for what you do, it naturally shows. The same thing applies to a blog, writing naturally about a topic that you love and are excited about will always show in your writing.

If you are forcing it, readers will easily observe the stress in the write-up and that wouldn’t help you grow or become successful in the long run.

Whether you already know your niche or not, here are some really helpful tips to help you pick the best blogging niche that you will be passionate about and keep blogging on it as long as the internet lives.


This will help you know why it’s important to not just pick what you love doing, but what you and also have knowledge about.

Nobody would love to read what you write if you don’t have a good knowledge or experience in it.

Is that clear?

While picking a niche for your new blog, you must tailor your choice to a specific area so you can have a target audience.

Picking a niche like Technology will end your carrier soon because the audience and sub-niches in Technology are very much.

Niches that are really large have tough competition and it’s very hard to succeed as an individual in such fierce competition.

So, while choosing a niche, don’t spread your net wide, use a hook and line and be specific.

I hope you wouldn’t get confused here.

What I’m trying to say is, don’t narrow your niche selection to a very small area. Why?

The reason is, content is king when it comes to blogging.

Let’s say you love the United States of America and decided to blog about people. Then you broke it down and decided to blog about the city you grew up in.

If you choose to blog about California, it will be a nice choice, but, you will soon run out of content ideas or what to say next.

The bottom line is, don’t narrow your blog niche so low or you will lack content ideas for your blog very soon and don’t shoot too high or you will not even know your target again. much that after spilling out a few contents, you wouldn’t be able to continue anymore.

So, what kind of niche should you pick? The best kind of niche to choose for your blog is one that can easily grow, expand or evolve with time.

Why is a blog is different from a regular website?

A blog is consistently updated with fresh information.

If you select a niche that doesn’t look like you can keep growing it, you will definitely get stuck soon.

Most blogs have been around for years and are still trending because there are content and new ideas to talk about.

Unless you don’t take your blogging seriously, you should make sure right from the beginning, you can actually write out valuable posts or content ideas you can write about for up to 6 months or more.

I already have more than 1,000 unique content to write on before publishing the first post on this blog.
With a niche that has plenty of content and ideas to harvest, you can always keep going like a truck without a driver.

So far, these tips will definitely help you to pick a solid niche and start creating useful content around it.

Pro Tip:

While picking a niche, don’t go for niches that will have seasonal value, contents or even traffic. I will explain this further as we go deeper into choosing blogging niches that will become sources of income.

So, if you are so keen on making money from your chosen niche or you want to know how you can select a blogging niche that will become a source of income, then you should consider everything we have discussed above.

But, is that all? No.

The section below is more of picking a blogging niche that will help you to make money online.

How To Choose A Blogging Niche That Will Help Me Make Money Online?

Like I earlier said, making money online via blogging isn’t what most get rich quick schemes online paint it as. You really need to put some things into consideration.

I wouldn’t be in a rush because I need you to understand every single thing and take it seriously.
Without further ado, let me show you how you can pick a very lucrative or profitable blogging niche for your blog or brand.

First things first:

This is the most important step in choosing a profitable niche. It greatly impacts your overall blog’s success.

If you don’t love or have a passion for what you choose, sooner or later, you will get fed up with a lack of content or even failure to make money online from your blog.

Frankly speaking, if you decide to choose a niche because you’ve read or seen that it’s making money for others, but you don’t love writing about it, you don’t have expert knowledge on it, then you’ll surely be more frustrated in a short time.

It’s also possible to write on what you’re knowledgeable about but the niche isn’t one that churns out money.
Below are what will help you know or find and choose a profitable niche that you’ll love and cherish like a baby.

1. Are others making real money from the niche?

If others are making money from the niche you are thinking about, it’s possible you could also be successful.

Check out other blogs in the same niche and see how they monetize their websites. Since it’s a profitable niche, you should expect a good amount of competition.

All you have to do is to make sure whatever you deliver is top-notch. As you keep wring, you’ll become an authority and it will now be easier to even make more money via your blog.

In your quest to compete and survive, you should always be yourself or a better version of your competitors. Since you’re starting new, there’s no need to copy other already established content and expect to outrank them.

2. Could you sell products or services on your chosen blog niche?

This is another cool area to check if you want to find a blogging niche that’s very profitable. Most websites could grow, become popular and then it’s very easy to sell products or render services and get paid.

If you keep making your visitors happy and become an expert in your chosen niche, it will create a channel for you to start selling your services or products to your audience. It’s one of the ways you could easily make money online via blogging.

3. Are they any affiliate programs/schemes for your chosen blog niche?

Most niches like Tech, WordPress, Wearables(Clothes, Shoes etc), or other niches that talk about products and reviews of services like domains, hosting, insurance, tech gadgets or buying guides have plenty of potentials to make money through affiliate marketing.

If you could write on any of these kinds of stuff and get your audience to trust you, you can look out for affiliate programs and join. There are so many affiliate schemes out there that publishers can tap in and start making money online.
Through these affiliate programs, you will help companies sell their goods and services and in return, you get a percentage from each sale.

4. What kind or nature of an audience will consume your blog content?

Most niches that talk about what concerns actually concerns people like relationships, wearables, home and design, Insurance, Cryptocurrency, Online education, Marketing and Advertising, Online Banking, Home and Garden, Relationship, Interests etc will perform well on contextual advertisement like Google Adsense because you have a less techy audience.

With audiences that are very knowledgeable about the internet, those who block ads and disable browser stuff that affects publishers are not good targets.

Visitors from countries like the USA, Canada, UK etc could easily take actions online like buying, reading books, or whatever that could make a publisher earn.

In most underdeveloped or developing countries, it’s a whole different thing. Target countries that will bring an ROI for advertisers.

Another tip is a niche that educates people with guides, how-tos, and informational materials. These kinda niches will make users consume all of your content because they need to so as to solve their program or gain insights on a particular area.

5. Is your niche accepted by Advertising networks like Google Adsense, etc?

If your niche is going to be viral but very controversial, you need to make second thought. A niche that goes against the kind of contents accepted by big ad networks like Google Adsense isn’t a good choice.

Topics related to adult contents, sex, drug, racial discrimination, guns etc should never be considered if you intend to make money online using the mediums we have listed in this article.

6. Can you grow your blog and sell it in the future?

If you don’t want to build your website and live in it forever, you can always sell it. But, that’s something that will work out well if the site has a lot of potentials.

A niche or blog that will make money and is already approved on Google Adsense with plenty of traffic can be sold for a very good amount of money.

This boils down to how you started it, built it and its current status or future.

I had a very popular blog that was making money via Google Adsense but later got disapproved/banned. Most of the people that wanted to buy it then we’re no longer interested because the site’s future has been cut off.

You get my point, right?

Now, let’s wrap it up here.

Finding the perfect niche for your blog is not something you should take lightly. You shouldn’t mind taking a long time to get it right. Yea, the end will always be better if you take the right steps.

If you start a blog in the wrong niche and later get fed up and frustrated, you would have wasted a whole lot.
Now, you wouldn’t want that experience, right?

Take your time and get everything right before hitting the road.

If you are done with choosing the right niche for your blog, it’s time to pick that perfect domain name that will make you stand out tall like the Burj Khalifa.

Originally published at on December 3, 2019.

