Becoming a Demanded Employee with Online Excel Tutoring

2 min readSep 1, 2021


Are you looking to stand out in an ever-competitive job market? In the digital era, your chances on the labor market hugely depend on your computer skills. Excel knowledge is one of them. While Excel has a reputation of being hard to learn, it is possible to do. We are here to give you tips on how to achieve this goal. Keep reading to learn how to become a demanded employee by learning with a Microsoft Excel tutor online.

In this article, we will talk about:

  • why Excel is useful for all industries;
  • what basic, intermediate, and advanced Excel skills are;
  • how to answer Excel job interview questions;
  • how to find online computer classes for Excel.

Excel skills checklist

There are different levels of Excel skills. Some skills are easier to learn and are considered basic, but it takes longer to master intermediate and advanced skills. However, all of these can be learned online with Excel tutoring. As your learning progresses and you develop a deep understanding of basic skills, you should be able to level up comfortably.

Here are 5 basic Excel skills:

  • saving and opening a workbook
  • formatting cells
  • creating basic charts
  • sorting data
  • using the ‘Find and Replace’ option

5 intermediate Excel skills are:

  • IF function
  • data validation
  • pivot tables
  • drop down lists
  • VLookup

5 advanced Excel skills are:

  • conditional formatting
  • data simulations
  • XLookup
  • VBA & Macros

Want to tick these skills off your checklist? Learn them online!

If you want to learn more about boosting your career opportunities with online Excel tutoring, read the full version of our article!

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