#A Lesson on Advice

Tai Karun | Internet Entrepreneur
4 min readFeb 25, 2020


I have a question for you…

Whom the f*ck!! are you taking advice from!?

Most entrepreneurs will be familiar with the best selling book ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ by Robert Kiyosaki.

If you’ve read the book, then there is no doubt that it’s content would have impacted how you think about money, but more importantly, who you go to for money advice.

I could give a brief summary of Kiyosaki’s book, but I recommend those who have not read it to do so, or purchase the audio version.

Instead, I want to give my own account of a Rich Dad Poor Dad scenario that I believe most of you will be able to resonate with.

Quick Story:

From a young age I have always idolised my older sister.

She is literally an African parents dream child: excellent grades, great job, married, three beautiful children, house in the sticks & a f*ck off whip (car) for decoration.

My sister has always had a strong work ethic, which reflects in both her personal and career accomplishments.

However, though she is brilliant at what she does and well respected in her field, I DO NOT go to her for entrepreneurial advice!


Because my sister is not, has not & unless she decides to pivot today, will never be an entrepreneur!

On one occasion, after a spell of failures from my business ventures, my older sister approached me wanting to see how I was getting on.

She had been worried about my lack of favourable results, and felt like she needed to help her little brother out somehow.

After briefing her on the major business L (Lesson 🙃) I just took, she suggested that I take on some paid work with an established firm to make a bit more money and network before having another go at business.

In all honesty, at the time of her telling me this I felt somewhat attacked, jumping to the conclusion that my sister did not believe in me or my ability to succeed with what I do.

In hindsight, what had occurred was something that should be expected from entrepreneurs who have family/friends that love them.

They don’t want to see you in pain (anticipated or experienced), so they offer advice to protect you from it.

Read this blog: Dear Entrepreneur: When To Quit

The dangerous thing about receiving advice from family and friends is that more often than not, it usually makes sense.

But if there ‘s one thing that I have learned from studying the world’s most successful business tycoons (dead and alive) and mentors, it’s this:

Conventional wisdom is nearly always wrong!

“Maybe you should consider something else.”

“If I were you I wouldn’t get back on the horse so soon”.

“You need a break.”

“Don’t worry about it, get some more experience with guaranteed income and give it another go in x months/years”.

All the above are phrases that are more than likely to be spewed left right and centre by loved ones, especially after a major L.

But if you were to go in front of those who have accomplished success in what you aim to achieve, would they say the same?

If you were able to go to someone who lived and breathed what you aimed to accomplish with your execution strategy, have them identify where you went wrong, give you practical advice on how to rectify and optimise your efforts for the desired result, would they tell you to the same?

If you were able to surround yourself with a group of carefully vetted individuals, credible in their fields because they themselves to have tried, failed, iterated numerous times, failed again, integrated again, and then succeeded for sound advice on your business, do you think they will tell you to stop what you’re doing so you can “rest”?


Me either — and that was the position I was in when my sister gave me advice to put a pause on my ambitions.

The Lesson

Now this does in no way suggest that my sister was wrong, or out of line for soliciting such advice, it should be expected from those that love you.

The lesson I want you to go away with is the understanding that no matter how you shake it, by taking or ignoring someone’s advice, you and you alone will be responsible for it’s related consequences.

Always think, is this advice I’m taking from a credible source?

Now that I understand the importance of order consequences, would taking this advice lead me closer or further away from the goal?


With all that being said, my advice for you is to join The #A Team.

The #A Team was created to provide ambitious internet entrepreneurs access to CREDIBLE knowledge sources in the form of mentors, advisors and a community.

Since 2015, the team and I have made it a priority to align ourselves with established wealth creators from the world of online business, internet marketing and investment to ensure our members have access to the accurate information and sound advice.

If you’re a current/aspiring entrepreneur then this is the community for you.

So here’s my advice:

  1. Opt-in today to be one of the first notified about our June 2020 launch.
  2. Sign up for our free #A Call’s to get a feel of the value we share.
  3. Have a listen to our podcast for consistent wealth building & motivational content over dope beats.

Do something!

… Except take advice from those not qualified to give it.


Tai Karun

