#A Lesson on Systems

Tai Karun | Internet Entrepreneur
3 min readFeb 24, 2020


This blog is a MUST read & digest for any entrepreneur, leader or project manager involved in building & managing teams.

Before we dive in, I’d like to dedicate a few words to the ‘Solopreneurs’ out there.

  • Solopreneur: someone who runs their business alone and is ultimately responsible for its success or failure.

The few words:



Aside from feeling the burdensome effect of trying to build businesses alone (some not so bad, others 🙃), after accruing 500+ years of practical business building knowledge from my mentors (books included), I am yet to find one example of super success that does not feature a team!

The saying goes…

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

The Need For Effective Business Systemisation

The entrepreneurs story usually goes like this:

  • You have an idea — the next big thing!
  • You carry out the initial market research to validate the idea and see if it has any revenue generating potential.
  • Before you know it you’ve set-up shop and your first customers/users for your product/service begin flooding in — further validating the once idea now business.
  • Business starts booming and you quickly realise that you CANNOT do this alone (get a bloody team!), so you take Tai’s golden advice and begin the hunt for a co-founder/team to delegate specialist tasks to.
  • After struggling to onboard individuals that both see your vision and have the skills/attitude needed to help actualise it, you begin to notice poor/sub par delivery of the delegated tasks, and unconsciously become the company’s bottle neck by micromanaging, which in turn frustrates team members, reduces productivity, and more often not leads to business failure 😩.

The question that should arise at this point is “why”?

Exactly why do so many entrepreneurs (my past self included) fall into this trap?

The answer is and will always be…

A lack of effective systems.

  • Business systems: the step by step process outlined by a business to deliver a desired result.

In the example shared above, the entrepreneur made a common mistake, which was to start delegating tasks before outlining the systems needed for the task to be accomplished.

The two primary benefits of creating business systems are:

  • You can examine the whole business process and make improvements
  • They include operations manuals which if followed step by step enables the delegates to accurately carry out the task and achieve the desired result.

#A Plug: Access quality reads like ‘The E-Myth’ where most of this knowledge is derived, and loads more by when you join #A Book Club — It’s FREE!

The Lesson: It’s a constant iterative process

Unfortunately, there is no way newbie entrepreneurs who lack access to mentors and peers that have gone through the lack of systems trap to avoid this common reality.

The lesson here has to come from experience of the founder, as the process of systemising your business and hiring great talent to run it’s operation should always boil down to the visionaries leadership style, values and business goals.


If you’re reading this and wise enough to acknowledge that you you lack effective systems for your business, then I’d like to invite you to join The #A Team.

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Tai Karun

