Debunked: The Bible is God’s Direct Word

Gayest Husky
2 min readSep 26, 2019


Update: Someone who I follow made me realize that my arguments are not clear when it comes to distinguishing between fundamentalist and non-fundamentalist interpretations of the bible. This article in no way proved or disproves the bible as a whole, Jesus, or God; and that was never the intent. My intent is to show that man has distorted the original meanings of the bible and so the literal interpretation of the Bible is not a good reason to see homosexuality as immoral, unnatural, or sinful. To any LGBTQ-affirming Christians: I am sorry if I ever sounded like I was attacking you or your specific beliefs; that was never my intent.

Anti-gay extremists have always used the bible as a means to force their religion into law and mistreat homosexuals. They say that this book is God’s direct word, but that simply is not case for several reasons.

  1. Man Wrote the Bible:

The bible is entirely man-made. Christianity is man made. This is a fact: an observation that cannot be honestly or rationally disputed. God did not write any bible or create any church in person. Thus, all bibles and churches are man-made by definition; if there is a God, it is likely beyond comprehension. Now if you disagree, feel free to prove it and win a ten-thousand dollar prize.

2. Using the Bible is Hearsay:

When someone says that my same-sex behavior is immoral because (for example) 2nd Corinthians 6:9–10 says so, all I really hear is this:

Some anti-gay shmuck says that an ancient man-made book said that a scribe from two thousand years ago said that another guy named Paul said that God said that homosexuality is wrong.

I am no lawyer, but isn’t this hearsay? It is hearsay upon hearsay upon hearsay. This is neither reliable nor convincing.

3. The Bible is Game of Telephone

Almost all of the stories in the bible were passed down by word of mouth prior to being written down. In some cases, they were passed down by word of mouth for hundreds of years. This is the game of telephone, and it is very safe to assume that the original message is not what we see in our bibles today, and so fundamentalist interpretations are not valid.

4. Quoting the Bible in and of itself isn’t Proof of Anything at All

When someone says that my same-sex behavior is wrong because the bible says so, they are really just re-quoting themselves by proxy. Not only are they using layers of hearsay, they are ultimately saying that “homosexuality is wrong because homosexuality is wrong”. I know that is what you anti-gay extremists believe, but can you prove it?



Gayest Husky

Gay Husky | Developer | Trolling and triggering bigoted idiots since the age of reason #ResistanceScum #RebelScum #TransAlly #LGBwiththeT