Rottweiler Dog Breed — Fact File, Size, Temperament

6 min readSep 21, 2022


Rottweiler Dog Breed - Fact File, Size, Temperament

Brief History Of Rottweiler

From the Molossus, a dog resembling a Mastiff came the Rottweiler dog breed. Their forefathers drove the cattle that kept the Roman army alive as they conquered the known world as marched to Germany.

While the army was moving, the large dogs crossed with local canines to create new breeds by mating.

The ancestors of the Roman Molossus dogs drove the cattle to town for butchering, and Rottweilers prospered over the centuries as a cattle market region, the German counterpart of a Texas cowtown.

The cattlemen sold their stock, and when they got home, they hung their full wallets on their dog’s necks to keep their money safe from thieves. Butchers also utilized the dogs for pulling carts that contained meat.

Due to their suitability for the job, Rottweilers also started serving as police dogs.


Males typically weigh 95 to 130 pounds and stand 24 to 27 inches tall at the shoulder. Females usually weigh 85 to 115 pounds and stand 22 to 25 inches tall at the shoulder.

Personality & Traits

The ideal Rottweiler is calm, self-assured, and brave. He doesn’t instantly or indiscriminately make friends with anyone and maintains a self-assured aloofness. Instead, he adopts a wait-and-see approach when dealing with unfamiliar individuals or circumstances.

This breed is devoted to his family and frequently follows them around the house. This dog is not easily excited.

Although he has an innate drive to defend his family and property, he should never act violently toward others without justification. This dog has a strong work ethic and is intelligent and adaptive.

You’ll observe some gender disparities. Males are solitary but vigilant, continually scanning their environment for danger. Females are potentially more loving and are a little simpler to govern. Although they can be stubborn, both are pretty trainable.

Rottweilers need discipline that is firm, constant, but not cruel. Often, a firm word is enough to reprimand, but only if your leadership has been made clear. If not, he might try to intimidate or con you.

This dog is not for those who lack self-confidence or don’t have the time for training and care. Setting limits and teaching consequences for improper conduct are two steps in earning a Rottweiler’s respect, and both require time and patience.


Numerous elements, including training, socialization, and heredity, impact temperament. Puppies with good dispositions are interested, playful, approachable, and like cuddling.

Select a puppy amid the pack rather than one bullying its littermates or cowering in a corner.

Rotties need early socialization or exposure to various people, sights, sounds, and experiences when they’re young, much like every other breed of dog. Socialization plays a crucial role in ensuring your puppy develops into a well-rounded dog,

Regularly hosting guests, taking him to crowded parks and dog-friendly shops, and taking strolls to meet neighbours will help him hone his social skills.

Health Issues Common With The Rottweiler Dog Breed

Although they are generally in good health, Rottweilers are susceptible to health issues like all breeds. It’s crucial to be aware of these diseases if you’re considering getting a Rottweiler, even if not all of them affect the breed.

Hip Dysplasia

The thighbone does not fit securely into the hip joint due to this heritable disease. Most dogs exhibit pain and lameness in one or both of their hind legs, but a dog with hip dysplasia may not show any discomfort. Arthritis may appear as the dog aged.

Elbow Dysplasia

A hereditary deformation of the elbow joint is called elbow dysplasia. The only way to know how severe the dysplasia is is to take an x-ray. Your veterinarian might advise either surgery to fix the issue or pain medication to lessen the discomfort..

Aortic Stenosis

Rottweilers can occasionally be affected by this prevalent cardiac condition. Below the aortic valve, the aorta narrows, making it harder for the heart to pump blood throughout the body.

This ailment may result in dizziness or even abrupt death. Although it is a hereditary disorder, the transmission mode is not currently understood. Usually, it takes a veterinary cardiologist to discover a heart murmur.


Osteosarcoma is a severe bone cancer that typically affects giant breeds. Lameness is the earliest sign of osteosarcoma, but x-rays are required to determine whether cancer is to blame.

Osteosarcoma requires aggressive treatment, typically requiring amputation of the affected leg and chemotherapy. Most Dogs can live for nine months to two years or more with treatment.

Fortunately, dogs adjust well to life on three legs. They don’t experience the same chemo side effects as people do, like nausea and hair loss.

Gastric Dilatation-volvulus

GDV occurs when the stomach is bloated with gas or air and twists. It restricts the regular flow of blood to the heart because the dog cannot belch or vomit to get rid of the extra air in its stomach.

Rottweilers are especially susceptible to this life-threatening illness if you feed them one large meal daily. Also, they are at risk if they consume a lot of water after eating and run vigorously afterwards. Some believe that the type of food and the raised feeder may also play a role in this.


Because it typically affects pups at roughly four months old, several people refer to it as “growing pains.” Lethargy is the main symptom, and most of the time, rest will suffice. Still, if your puppy begins to limp, it is necessary to have your veterinarian check him out.


Symptoms of hypothyroidism include infertility, obesity and mental drowsiness. It also causes a lack of energy in dogs. The dog may develop rough, black skin and coarse, brittle fur that starts to fall out. With a daily thyroid replacement medication, you can successfully manage hypothyroidism. The dog will need to take medication for the rest of its life.


In dogs, allergies are a prevalent condition. By removing specific foods from the dog’s diet temporarily, allergies to particular foods are detected and addressed.

A reaction to things that touch the dog, such as bedding, flea powders, dog shampoos, or other chemicals, causes contact allergies.

Airborne allergens, including pollen, dust, and mildew, cause inhalant allergies. The proper treatment may not be available depending on how severe an allergy is.

Care Of The Rottweiler Dog Breed

Rottweilers must reside with their owners. They might become bored, disruptive, and violent if they are often left alone in a backyard. Rottweilers are enormous dogs, but they are not active indoors.

A Rottweiler needs a fenced yard since he can be hostile toward other dogs and people who enter his land. He also needs to be protected from vehicles. If your Rottie wants to leave the yard, even an underground electronic fence won’t be able to stop him. Moreover, it doesn’t prevent visitors or other animals from entering your land.

Feeding The Rottweiler Dog Breed

4 to 10 cups of premium dry food, divided between two meals, is advised daily.

The size, age, build, metabolism, and degree of activity determine how much food an adult dog consumes. Like people, each dog is unique. Thus they don’t all require the same amount.

An active dog will require more than a couch potato dog, which should almost go without saying. The kind of dog food you purchase matters; the better the food, the better the nourishment available to your dog and the less you need to shake into the bowl.

Coat Color And Grooming

A Rottweiler’s coat is a short, straight, and coarse double coat. The undercoat is mainly found on the neck and thighs, while the medium-length outer coat is shorter on the head, ears, and legs. The climate where your Rottie lives will determine how much undercoat he has.

To remove dead fur or spread skin oils, brush your Rottie with a stiff bristle once a week. He will shed twice a year, and to keep the loose hair under control during that period, you should probably brush him more frequently.

Shower him as necessary. If you bathe him outside, the weather should be warm enough that you don’t need a coat or long sleeves. It’s too chilly outside to be bathing your Rottweiler if you aren’t.

Children And Other Pets

Most Rottweilers would enjoy kids significantly if they grew up around them. Because of their size and strength, you should watch your dog near children, especially young ones. They tend to lean and push and can unintentionally overturn a toddler with a shove due to their cattle-driving lineage.

They generally work best in households with older kids who are accustomed to interacting with dogs. Additionally, watching your Rottweiler whenever your kids invite friends home is essential.

Rottweilers generally get along well with other dogs and cats when raised with them. They might have problems with unfamiliar dogs or adult dogs brought into the house, and they might not tolerate same-sex pets.


