Pranjal Taneja
2 min readMar 3, 2018


One of the core purposes of any business website is to generate leads; give potential customers a meaningful way to reach out to the business. The “contact us” page in the website is one of the fundamental way potential customers reach out to a business. But do they like to send a query to common mailbox?

Personally I don’t use contact us page because I am not sure whether my mail would reach to the right person in the company. I don’t expect I will get a meaningful response back for my query if I send it via a general corporate contact us page.

I am sure my sentiments ring a bell among a lot of other people. So a lot of potential customers walk away without sending a message via the contact us page.

“Today’s customers also increasingly look to engage with the subject matter experts in any company who can help them take informed decisions”

If not an impulse purchase, a lot of today’s customers come to a website after doing their own research. They sort of know what they want and love to take control of the sales process, rather than being pushed a solution into their face via corporate sales people.

It is time to break the corporate veil and allow qualified employees to be Kallable on corporate website and let clients and prospects reach out to them!

Kallable Handler is a simple solution that unleashes the power of employee’s service intent on your corporate website with a simple script. Let the SMEs in your company talk to your prospects and generate leads.

Kallable contact us page allows you to organize your team members based on their expertise and seamlessly embed it on your corporate website. Your potential clients would know who all in your organization/company are ready to connect and help answer their queries.

Make your employees Kallable and convert potential leads into real customers.



Pranjal Taneja

Co-founder Kallable — Kallable is a platform independent tool that facilitates meaningful & controlled communication among interested parties.