8 Cyclical Living Quotes by Nina Wolf

Nina Wolf
2 min readMay 30, 2023


slowly i am learning how to translate the seasons of my cycle

- be gentle

~ nina wolf

the moon is a great teacher: everything has a phase, including my menstrual cycle

~ nina wolf

menstruation is not the enemy. being fooled by linear lifestyle creates menstrual tension

~ nina wolf

accepting birth control as a solution for acne, heavy period flow, cramps, endometriosis, pcos, depression, and anxiety is like burning your house down to keep yourself warm

~ nina wolf

for at least ten years of their lives, modern women feed their fear of becoming pregnant. they form a fear-based relationship with their fertility

~ nina wolf

the association with menstrual blood became difficult as subliminal messages crept in

white is a color that denotes cleanliness, calmness, and angelic qualities

red’s opposite, which the collective unconscious associates with lust, sexiness, power, and temptation

~ nina wolf

women’s bodies naturally change throughout the course of the weeks due to biological factors. being aware of menstrual cycle changes has the effect of enhancing life optimization and empowering women to make conscious decisions based on their intuition

- changes are welcomed

~ nina wolf

when a woman reconnects to the wise woman’s energy, she ignites the inner feminine fire. she carries a different glow

- confidence & self-esteem

~ nina wolf



Nina Wolf

Nina Wolf is a cyclical living enthusiast. She is the creator of the anthropological 10-year project The Red Talk.