How to Enter the Genesis Pool Pre-Launch Olympics Competition

A step by step guide to help you enter and win the competition.

Admin Genesis Pool
Genesis Pool (GPool)
6 min readJul 27, 2021


Genesis Pool (GPool) announced today the launch of its $20,000 Pre-launch Olympics Competition and this article is to help you understand how to enter each event and what you need to do to win.

Anyone is welcome to enter the GPool Pre-Launch Olympics Competition.

Prior to competing all participants must:

  1. Follow GPool’s official Twitter
  2. Join our two Telegram channels | Genesis Pool and Genesis Pool Announcements.
  3. All entrants must use the Twitter hashtag provided and tag us at @gpoolofficial so we can monitor entrants. Reddit and Discord entrants will be monitored by the link of each post.

How to Join GPool’s Twitter and Telegram Accounts

How to find the Genesis Pool Twitter account:

Open your Twitter account and in the search box write @gpoolofficial. Then follow GPool.

How to join both Telegram Channel and Group:

Open your Telegram account and in the search box write Genesis Pool. Click on each account and click on ‘Join Channel’ at the bottom of the page.

All of these social channels are used by Genesis Pool to keep its community updated and further information about this competition will be posted there.

How to enter each of the 10 events

GPool is running 10 events simultaneously and anyone can enter each event as many times as they like. All events have the same prizes (see end of article) and here we describe how to enter each event and how you might be able to win.

Please note that the five best entries for each event will be chosen by GPool (apart from event 3 and 10 which will be chosen on engagements). These five entries will then be presented to the Genesis Pool community via our social channels and they will vote via poll on who wins the Gold, Silver and Bronze prizes.

1. Medium Article

First create a Medium account using this guide. Then write an article of over 250 words on GPool and the launchpad sector. The better the article and the more interesting you can make it, the higher your chance of winning. Visit the GPool Medium page for inspiration.

Publish the article on your personal Medium account and then share to your Twitter page and tag us with #GPoolMediumComp at @gpoolofficial

2. GPool Meme

If you are more visually creative, then we are looking for the best original GPool meme. A meme can either be an image or video that you have added a GPool logo to.

Or an original meme you have created that highlights one of GPool’s features.

To enter, post your meme on your Twitter page and tag us with #GPoolMemeComp at @gpoolofficial.

3. Tweet with most Engagement

Who is the most popular Twitter poster and the real social butterfly? Post an original tweet on your Twitter page about GPool and tag us with #GPoolSocialButterflyComp at @gpoolofficial. Whoever has the most engagement in terms of retweets, comments and likes will win.

4. Retweet with a Quote

Go out into the DeFi and launchpad Twitter-verse and retweet any tweet, adding a comment relating to GPool and use the #GPoolRetweetComp and tag us at @gpoolofficial. The funniest or most original retweet will be selected.

5. Twitter thread on GPool

GPool has a lot of information and articles about it on our official Medium and Twitter channels. Write an in depth Twitter thread, with an analysis of your own, about GPool and how it is different from other launchpads on your Twitter page and use the #GPoolTwitterThreadComp and tag us at @gpoolofficial.

6. YouTube Video

Record and post a YouTube video of what you love about GPool or any content that will make the community laugh and Tweet it with #GPoolYouTubeComp and tag us at @gpoolofficial. We will judge the videos in relation to their editing quality, aesthetic and quality of the content presented during the video.

7. Trolling another Launchpad

Put your best trolling hat on and go out and post on another launchpad’s Twitter, highlighting the fact that they are saying something stupid or not true. The funniest and most original trolls will be selected. Tag GPool using #GPoolTrollComp at @gpoolofficial

8. GPool Mascot

GPool needs a mascot and the best design will win. Create a new character or edit an existing character that you feel represents GPool. It can be an animal, person, movie character or something you have drawn or created. Post on Twitter with #GPoolMascotComp and tag us at @gpoolofficial

9. Reddit thread with the most engagement in a crypto community

Create a Reddit thread/post about GPool in one of the most popular crypto subreddits or one of the competitor subreddit channels. The best written post explaining GPool and its impact on the launchpad sector as a whole, will be selected. Entries will need to be submitted via Twitter, using #GPoolRedditComp and including your username and a link to your thread/post.

Check out the GPool’s Reddit account.

10. Most invites to our Discord Server

Invite the maximum number of real users to our Discord server (bots will not count) in order to grow our community. If you are a server owner you will be allowed to invite your members to join ours. The winners will be contacted via Discord.

Prizes and how will they be awarded?

Each of the 10 events will have three winners that will be decided by our community. Gold medal winners will receive a $1,000 allocation of GPool tokens, Silver $700 allocation and Bronze $300 allocation. There will also be 10 runner up prizes per event of a priority whitelisting place in the GPool IDO.

That’s a total of $20,000 of GPool tokens to be given away for free.

Further Rules:

  1. You can enter a competition as many times as you like and you can win more than one prize.
  2. GPool will leave it to the community to decide all the winners, but in the event of any disagreements, GPool’s decision will be final.
  3. For each competition to be valid we will need a minimum of 20 entrants.
  4. The competition will run from 27th July to the 20th August. Short listed entrants will be chosen and their submissions will be voted on by our community between the 20th and the 22nd August. Winners will be announced on the 23rd August.
  5. All GPool token winners will have their tokens airdropped to their wallets and there will be no vesting period.
  6. Entrants give GPool the right to use their submissions for marketing purposes.

