Why Ignorance Is Not Bliss?

yet most people still prefer “Ignorance is Bliss” mindset

Admond Lee
3 min readMay 26, 2018
Photo by Mitch Lensink on Unsplash

When I was young I wanted to be happy (as everybody else). And being in the state of happiness required less worries; naturally, ignorance became an option for me to be careless about my surroundings — which made the mindset of “ Don’t worry, Be happy” extremely attractive to me.

Ignorance is Bliss

Yearning for a blissful life as a kid, I upheld and became one of the followers of this “ Don’t worry, Be happy” mindset. Therefore, becoming insensitive to my surroundings was my first step to believe in “Ignorance is Bliss” mindset.

Fast forward to my current stage of life, I am now a person who constantly learns new knowledge; explores the unknown; and be mindful about myself as well as the surroundings. I no longer associate ignorance with bliss as it denies my opportunities to learn and expand my horizon to a greater extent.

Don’t get me wrong. As a matter of fact, I respectfully agree that there is some element of truth in “Ignorance is Bliss” mindset to some extent.

However, we — human beings, very often do we want to show the best sides of ourselves without showing any of our vulnerability to others.

We are afraid of asking questions (let alone asking the right questions) as this shows that we are vulnerable without knowing something. Ultimately, we choose to remain in our comfort zone — back to square one, only to realize that bliss doesn’t always come from ignorance and vice versa.

You see. Mindset is a double-edged sword. Your results are determined by your actions; and your actions are determined by your mindset. Being in a state of ignorance deprives your chance of taking any actions that could ultimately produce the results that you have always wanted. In other words, ignorance holds you back from what you want to achieve by limiting your belief.

More dangerously, this realization doesn’t come to you as long as you choose to remain comfortable until you see life as a journey of learning, then only will you see its action in disguise.

Overall — in short term, ignorance is bliss; in long term, this no longer holds true when it comes to achieving real fulfilment and satisfaction in life — the unique learning journey for each of us.

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About the Author

Admond Lee is currently the Co-Founder/CTO of Staqthe #1 business banking API platform for Southeast Asia.

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Admond Lee

Co-Founder & CTO @ Staq | Building the universal API to help fintech companies access financial data from SMEs across Southeast Asia 🚀