The Psychology of Advertising!!

3 min readMar 12, 2018


Advertising is omni-present. It is the nervous system of the business world. You might not notice it, a successful ad always has a psychological trait in it which indirectly stimulates the customer to make a purchase. From the advent of advertising, it is a proven fact that the emotional and psychological aspects are more resonating than the functional jargons. The successful ads however are the happy smiles of families, favorite celebrities using beauty products, emotional real life situations and many more. Now it is clearly understood that Advertising completely rely on Psychology to mark its place in a customer’s mind.

Not all marketers or businessmen are psychologists. But the smart marketers use psychology ethically to engage and attract customers in a positive way. Usually there are two types of emotional responses- one based on Creativity and other based on Empathy. The marketers should be proficient in making their target audience experience an emotional roller coaster which makes them watch the ad again and again and finally make them brand loyals. Here are few psychological aspects which can bring in a huge success when added in the ads.

Self love

Who do you love the most? The answer in the first place would be Myself! Yes, we all love ourselves. We all strive for identity which is the most priced possession. If a person knows something belongs to him, with his name or related to things he is interested in, he will surely make an effort to get it. Self love is the heart of our emotional response. If we feel something is created for us, we wouldn’t step backwards anymore. For the marketers, it is important to map the target audience, know the psychological wants and needs and design the ads for a better reach.


Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt is the most common technique used by the marketers to make the customers stop and think about their product. This aspect helps you to be on par or even above your competitors. Any attribute which brings in all these three into the ad which makes the customers willing to buy just because they do not want to loose, should be included. This should be done positively and effectively for a long term fruitful business and for more handpicks.


Though this word may sound like a business term, it is more a psychological aspect for both the business as well as the customers. Money answers everything. It doesn’t mean you have to sell your product at a cheaper price, but instead you have to sell your value. It not only helps you gain a lot of wealth, but also helps you earn a wealth of respect. The most important thing a marketer has to keep in mind is “People only care how much you make them worth.” Initially your approach would just be a glance, but the business is made after the acceptance of your price. Sell value for your price.

A creative ad with proper colors and good images, which are lively and in connect with the lives of target audience, such ads bring in a sense of curiosity to know more and more about the product. If you are able to make your customers curios to know more, you are more than successful. The purchase ratio usually increases once the curiosity increases. This works well with new products, people would want to try once to feel and experience the product which slowly turns them to make frequent purchases after then.

