7 Useful Tips to Refresh Your Content and Boost Blog Performance

Adnan Hasan
5 min readSep 18, 2023


You blog for business purposes. You naturally desire greater traffic and everything that comes with it…

As we all know, increasing the quality of your content is one of the best strategies to increase blog performance. In other words, you should concentrate your efforts on producing the best and most interesting material possible that will appeal to your visitors. When you’ve finished, you can start thinking about other ways to use the content from your blog. And you ought to give some of your outdated stuff a fresh start. Either approach could significantly improve your site’s SEO.

The advantages are clear. Your traffic rises as your visibility rises. In turn, this develops authority and, ideally, produces fresh, high-caliber sales leads. Who would not desire that?

So, the crucial query is: How can your content be repurposed? What more can you do to make your outdated information appear as fresh as possible?

You’ll find answers and even more in this post. And it’s all because of the seven surefire suggestions we’re about to look at. By the time you’ve finished reading this article, you’ll know pretty much all you need to do to promote your website and stay competitive.

Improve Your Blog Performance

1. Update Your Content

Start by reading through your earlier writing and eliminating any irrelevant information that isn’t likely to interest your readers.

You should update the following old sentences:

  • not longer represent your opinions
  • are technologically dated
  • Include programs or services you no longer consider to be among the “best in field.”

Regardless of how much “old” content they have already viewed, your viewers will be happy to see something new. If you want to republish an old link to your company’s social media pages, make sure to follow this advice.

2. Add New Relevant Keywords

The value of keywords for SEO is already something you are aware of. Generally speaking, keywords are words and phrases that you use in your content to help the correct kind of people find your website through search engines.

What can you say about your successful pieces, then? Do they contain strong, pertinent keywords? Or are they just outstanding pieces? In any case, it’s in your best advantage to find some pertinent keywords and incorporate them into your article. The traffic will undoubtedly grow if this is done.

Looking for a fantastic tool to advance your keyword research? If so, you should give our specifically designed SE Ranking keyword suggestion tool a try; it’s a great place to start.

3. Get Rid of Broken or Dead Links

Removing all problematic links from your website is a great idea as well, especially if you want to improve your SEO. One or two broken links won’t harm your results, but several difficulties with Google and your readers could result. I’m talking about issues. Readers are prone to become irritated by broken links because they tend to ruin the user experience. Additionally, these links may have an impact on how Google indexes your website. Therefore, it’s ideal for you to replace them right away!

4. Include a Relevant Keyword in Your Title

Your content will have a better chance of getting high-quality, targeted visitors if you improve the title by adding a keyword. This is advantageous for company. Please take care not to alter the connection. Although a 301 redirect could be used, it’s better to avoid using this strategy whenever you can.

5. Increase Readability of Your Posts

The truth is that most people find it difficult to comprehend those lengthy paragraphs, so you might want to concentrate your efforts on writing articles that are simple to understand. Start by dividing your paragraphs into manageable units. Try to break up lengthy, run-on phrases while you’re at it. Readers will be happy that you did!

Bonus Advice: Always proofread your posting. Surely you don’t want the grammar police to criticize you in the comments!

6. Add Links to Other Relevant Posts on YOUR Site

Another excellent approach to improve your Google position is through internal linking. The good news is that your top performing post from way back in 2010 can still be useful today. To put it another way, you can still include some internal links in it! Having said that, your older post can make it more likely for your readers to stay interested, and that’s important.

7. Diversify Your Content

Finally, do your best to avoid falling into a content rut by embracing the art of reusing! You don’t have to write your pieces in a specific structure, which is one of the best things about creating content. To keep both you and your readers interested, change things up. Here are a few approaches to consider:

• SlideShares

Your user engagement will increase and you can reach a new audience by repurposing your blog post for SlideShares. The good news is that people may share your material much more easily (and gather some useful linkbacks!) because to the ability of your SlideShare to be embedded into other blog sites.

• Videos

Looking for a certain strategy to grab users’ interest and hold it? If so, employ video! You might not be aware of this, but the majority of your visitors love watching good videos. Therefore, it’s up to you to fulfill their wishes!

Which blog entries can be made into videos? You could create videos out of step-by-step instructions, how-to articles, checklists, and the like. In the end, it comes down to what resonates with your audience.

• Podcasts

Currently, podcasts are huge! Some people are even solely relying on podcasting to increase their web visibility. And that’s wonderful! We advise you to start with some of your blog themes if you want to join in but are unsure of what to talk about. Simply add extra detail to some of your podcasts’ best-performing posts, then see what happens.

• Templates and Checklists

Trying to figure out how to get your followers to follow your blog’s advice? Just make a template or checklist out of it. Just make sure it’s a PDF file. They will be able to download or print whatever you’re selling in a tangible format if you do this. What might be superior?

Repurposing your blog content in other methods, such as eBooks, social media postings, email newsletters, webinars, and more, is still an option.

In Closing

There you have it, then! You now have a better understanding of how to improve your blog’s performance without breaking the bank. Now it’s up to you to follow through with these recommendations and see what happens.

Over To You

Do you have any favorite tips you’d like to add to the above? Please share them in the comments section, below.



Adnan Hasan

Specialist in managing social media platforms, e-marketing. Experience in the Internet, computers, websites, advertisements and more