Adobe Acrobat Sign Webhooks

Raikhan S
6 min readMay 10, 2019


In this article, I am going to talk about 3 different ways how to create Adobe Acrobat Sign Webhooks.

Create Webhook via Adobe Acrobat Sign Web UI

Create Webhook via Adobe Acrobat Sign REST API v6 Swagger

Create Webhook via Postman Console

First of all, what is a Webhook?

A Webhook is basically just a POST request that is sent to a specific URL which you will be creating later in this article. That URL is set up to receive the body of the POST request and process when there is an event occurrence.

On the receiving end, you would create a URL that is set up to receive the POST request.
This endpoint would receive an event object in JSON or XML. In this article, I am using JSON.

The example between traditional API Callback v/s Webhook

Callback URL: Adobe Acrobat Sign says “Hey!! Mr. XYZ app”, I have your phone number (Callback URL) However, my outgoing facility is Not working so you will need to give me a call every time when you need the data (Polling method).

Webhook URL: Adobe Acrobat Sign says “Hey!! Mr. XYZ app”, I have your phone number with me (Webhook URL) and I also have an unlimited incoming and outgoing facility so you don’t need to call me instead I will give you a call on your phone number (Push method) when I have data for you. You just sit tight and don’t worry!!

So, Webhook is used to be notified when certain events take place. Instead of constantly asking what is happening (Polling method) if anything has been changed.

Once the webhook is configured and saved, Adobe Acrobat Sign will push a new JSON object to the defined URL every time the trigger event is trapped. No ongoing manipulation of the webhook is required unless you want to change the event trigger criteria or the JSON payload.

Create Webhook via Adobe Acrobat Sign Web UI.


1) User must be an admin or group admin of Adobe Acrobat Sign account.

2) You will also need Webhook Tester/Webhook Service All it does is create a URL that listens for any incoming POST/GET requests. It’s even real-time!

NOTE:-I am using Webhook.Site as an alternative option of Azure and AWS and it is easy to set up. You may also find similar other site than this like

3) Adobe Acrobat Sign Web UI client ID (UB7E5BXCXY)


1) Go to (, It will generate a random URL.

2) Copy the URL as we are going to use in Adobe Acrobat Sign Webhook section and also bookmark the page because we will need to visit the site. (Don’t Forget to bookmark this page)

3) On the same page, Click on Edit. We will need to insert JSON response body with the key of xAdobeSignClientId and its value being the same client ID that was sent in the request.

Webhook service (

4) When the Edit box is open, just key in the JSON body as below.

Remember “UB7E5BXCXY” is used for Adobe Sign Web client.


“xAdobeSignClientId”: “UB7E5BXCXY”


Editing the Web service Response header

5) Log in to Adobe Acrobat Sign web UI and go to Account tab>Webhook and click on (+) to create Webhook

6) Provide the Name, Scope, Webhook URL (copied in Step 2) and subscribe the Events and Notification Parameters and hit Save

7) Congrats!! Webhook will be successfully registered because it passes the validation.

8) Go to Webhook services which you have bookmarked, and you will see POST/Get call.

9) Try to send any test document, you will see like the example screenshot below

Adobe Sign pushed the JSON payload

Create Webhook via Adobe Acrobat Sign REST API (V6) Swagger.


1) User must be an admin or group admin of Adobe Acrobat Sign account.

2) You will also need Webhook Tester/Webhook Service

3) Adobe Sign REST service client ID (BGBQIIE7H253K6)


1) Repeat the same steps till #3. (Don’t Forget to bookmark page)

2) When the Edit box is open, just key in the JSON body as below.

Remember “ BGBQIIE7H253K6” is used for Adobe Acrobat Sign REST service client ID


“xAdobeSignClientId”: “ BGBQIIE7H253K6”


3) Now go to Account tab>Adobe Sign API section and launch Adobe Sign REST API v6 swagger online

4) Expand POST /webhooks and then generate the Bearer (Access_Token) by clicking on Oauth-Access-Token button and see the example JSON request below to register Webhook.


“webhookUrlInfo”: {“url”: “"},

“webhookSubscriptionEvents”: [








“scope”: “ACCOUNT”,

“name”: “Via Swagger BGBQIIE7H253K6”,

“state”: “ACTIVE”


Webhook created in Adobe Sign

5) Go to Webhook services which you have bookmarked above, and you will see Adobe Sign pushed the JSON payload when any event is occurred.

6) Congrats!!!!

Create Webhook via Postman.


1) User must be an admin or group admin of Adobe Acrobat Sign account.

2) You will also need Webhook Tester/Webhook Service

3) Adobe Acrobat Sign Application ID/Client ID. Create one for yourself or use existing app and make sure to check Webhook (Read/Write) access under Adobe Sign API>API Applications.


1) Repeat the same steps till #3. (Don’t Forget to bookmark this page)

2) When the Edit box is open, just key in the JSON body as below.

Copy the ClientID “ ExampleCBDA345EET” from the App.


“xAdobeSignClientId”: “ ExampleCBDA345EET “


3) Now launch Postman console and create a Header and Body to Post Webhook. Make sure to set endpoint correctly with the hostname and shard.

While creating a Header you will need Authorization and HTTP header called X-AdobeSign-ClientId

The value of this header is the client id (Application ID) of the application that created the webhook. If the validation is passed then a success response (2XX response code) is returned and the client id is sent in either the HTTP header (X-AdobeSign-ClientId) or in a JSON response body with key as xAdobeSignClientId and value as the same client id, otherwise it will retry to deliver the notification to the webhook URL until the retries are exhausted.



4) Hit Send and check Webhook list in Adobe Acrobat Sign account.

5) Go to Webhook services which you have bookmarked above, and you will see Adobe Acrobat Sign pushed the JSON payload when any event is occurred.

6) Congrats!!!!

