Who am I, as a writer?

Alonte Dodds
4 min readAug 25, 2021


How I’d describe myself as a writer would be in multiple ways. If typing counts as writing, then I’m very consistent in writing. How I write online depends on who I’m talking to, in friend groups, I purposely write very jokingly, with the intent of annoying others. For example, in a community that I’m in, I love to mess with a friend of mine, whether it’s on Twitter or in the community, to make him angry. I also can just write in a way just to simply make people laugh. In my friend group, most of the time I write in caps simply because it’s my writing style when I talk with them jokingly. I write in a way that mocks or makes fun of him for the sake of not just my amusement, but everybody else. In this case, I write just to mess around with my sense of humor.

Another way I interpret myself as a writer is that I can be ambitious. While I wouldn’t say I’m a writer in the sense of writing stories… anymore, if I ever get bored and I feel like writing just to be productive, I’d write. When I was little, I use to write a bunch of a story about when I used to play Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I would write about it a lot in my notebook during class, and while I don’t know what my intention is, I still used to do that kind of writing in class. Another way I write ambitiously is when I’m taking notes. This isn’t for all of the classes that I write or take notes in, but I’m currently learning C++ to make robots. Thus, I’d find that writing my notes and memorizing those notes will help me learn C++ for my passion and dream to make a humanistic robot.

When it comes to when I write, I typically write whenever I have free time. Writing isn’t a hobby of mine, but if I’m feeling motivated to take notes of C++, then I’ll write my notes of what I learned. I also write when it comes to classes, whenever I have to do an assignment, like an essay, or doing a Medium, or writing annotations in the Bad Ideas About Writing PDF, and this is the most consistent form of writing I usually do. I also tend to write whenever I get bored, or sidetracked, by talking with my friends online, and while it is distracting, it is how I mainly write. If there were anything I’d hope to achieve as a writer, even if that isn’t necessarily a goal of mine, I’d at least want to write in a way that improves the quality of my memory while taking notes or learning better strategies of notetaking, or if I ever want to be a game developer, I could think about what I’d want the theme of the story to be, and plan out how I’d want my writing of the story to go.

My overall opinion of writing is I find it to be very fun and intriguing. I like to think about writing when it comes to stories in JRPGS or visual novels and whenever I have time to spare I love thinking about the story and lore of the games. I think that with good writing when it comes to those genres of videogames, you can inspire an audience who, while they may not be that interested in writing, will at the very least learn the overall message or theme of the story. Writing in those genres are also especially appealing to me, as the idea or thought of not knowing what is about to happen in the story, and the emotions the games cause me to feel, makes it a really fun experience to immerse in the story, and makes the genre of the games much more interesting as a result.

When it comes to writing, I overall write very sarcastically. When I’m on the internet talking with friends, I sometimes write completely satirically, to get reactions out of them. I can also write pretty obnoxiously this way, as I love I don’t always write sarcastically however, sometimes I can just write pretty normally. I typically write normally whenever I want to discuss a game I’m playing, and the lore behind it, and why I love the story and the characters, but even when I write this normally I still write with a strong personality behind it. And when discussing stories, even when I’m not writing or typing about it, I do like to think a lot about the writing and what could’ve been different to make me like it better, or different outcomes of the story. Even though I don’t write in the traditional sense of writing a story, something I do love about writing is the creativity with writing. I love the feeling of suspense when I’m reading like say a visual novel. I’d overall say I’m an ambitious, but obnoxious writer, I love messing with others with how I type, I display a strong personality when I talk to my friends, and I do feel in a way inspired by other writing I’ve experienced.

