Adolphus Yaw Okrah
6 min readJan 30, 2019

Mobile applications have become an essential part of everyone’s lifestyle. They have made almost every task easy. Most people especially entrepreneur believe that mobile application development can be a profitable way of reaching their business to many audiences. The effective usage and benefits of a mobile application are gradually boosting new and established business to initiate their own mobile apps. Hence everyone is looking for a faster and easier way to build mobile applications which leads to the rise of frameworks. As the world of technology increases every day, most frameworks are also published as technology grows. So when it comes to finding and choosing a framework, most developers find it difficult to make a choice.

In this article, we are going to discuss the difference between Hybrid and Native Mobile apps and some of the most used JavaScript frameworks for building native mobile applications. I believe at the end of this article, you can now be able to choose the right framework of your choice.

Hybrid Mobile Applications (Hybrid App)

Hybrid mobile applications are apps that merge the components of web and native applications. Hybrid mobile apps are just example of a mobile version of a website which runs in a native web view (web browser) but this type of…

