52 Books, 52 Weeks: The Beginning

Adnan Muminovic
4 min readMay 26, 2017


One book a week? What am I nuts?

Everyone claims that they will start their diet “tomorrow”. They will work on their brilliant business idea “tomorrow”. They will challenge themselves in a way that will have a positive benefit on their lives. But, does “tomorrow” actually mean tomorrow? Probably not.

About five weeks ago I made the decision to challenge myself. I wanted to read 52 books in 52 weeks. That is exactly one book a week for an entire year.

The first book on my list was “by far the best book on investing ever written,” said Warren Buffett. That book was The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham. A whopping 500+ pages that had to be completed in a week. Wow. How do I do it? Easy. You dedicate a couple of hours per day during the week to finish it. I mean we direct so much of our attention to nonsense, all I did was direct my attention to a book. One week later, book one done.

The next three books were How Successful People Think by John C. Maxwell, Naked Economics by Charles Wheelen, and Sales Bible by Jeffrey Gitomer. Currently, week five, and I have chosen to read The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg.

Now, I am not here to brag about the fact that I have finished four books in four weeks (which is pretty impressive considering that most people don’t read a book their whole life, just kidding, not hating). I am here to share my experience with this challenge that I have taken on because I have learned so much. Here are just a few things:

  1. If you say that you are going to do something, do it, and follow through. Believe me this little change can bring the greatest of differences in your life. I’ve only gone through four books and I feel a lot smarter.
  2. Reading has helped melt away some stress, improve my vocabulary (I think), help me sleep better, and has given me a creative mindset.
  3. On average, people read about 30 pages/hour. Therefore, if you spend just 1–2 hours a day reading you can finish most books within a week. And if you are reading the Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham, then turn 1–2 hours to 3–4 hours (Not easy).
  4. Oh, and keep a highlighter on you. When you look back on these books you will thank me, and then yourself.

No, I did not give a summary of each of the four books I have completed because, at that point, I might as well write my own book here. I will continue to post each week, of my experiences during this challenge.

What I challenge you to do is participate in some type of challenge- whether it is the 52 books, 52 weeks challenge, if you are a software engineer, create an awesome software, or any challenge that will have a positive impact on you and your life.

If you are like me and hear people talk about what they “would’ve” done if they had the opportunity, or the time, then please get this message to them. Opportunities don’t just come and grab you (I wish they did). You have all the time in the world. Time is valuable. Allocate time where it counts. I don’t know if an opportunity will arise from doing this challenge, or writing these stories, but maybe if I read a book that sparks a conversation with someone important then BAM! I am also very optimistic. We all have goals, and the only way we will be able to reach those goals are if we take them step by step. A lot of people will say, “Well I don’t have the time to sit around and read books.” Then, I am sure you also don’t have the time to watch those HBO specials, Netflix, or hang on social media for a few hours a day. Life is about trade-offs (Naked Economics) and if you want to get things done, then you need to trade things that may be fun for you, to accomplish those goals.

My end goal with this challenge is to boost my knowledge. I am young, still in college, and I have the power to do this. I want to see things from perspectives of great people, and get first hand views on how business runs, the mind works, finances, data and much much more.

Please tell me of a challenge that you will be, or currently are participating in. I am very interested to know. START NOW. There is no better time. Share this post, and get your friends to do some challenges. Follow my journey of 52 books, 52 weeks, is just one of many.

