What is a Vape? What to Look for When Choosing a Vape Mod?

4 min readSep 4, 2022


What is a Vape? What to Look for When Choosing a Vape Mod?

According to statistics, the number of people using vaporizers (also known as electronic cigarettes and commonly stylized as e-cigarettes or e-cigs) has risen astronomically from about seven million in 2011 to over forty million in 2018. Part of the growing vaping community includes celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hardy, and Katy Perry, to mention but a few.

People vape for numerous reasons. But the reasons mainly boil down to therapeutic purposes, recreational purposes, or both.

However, it doesn’t matter whether you’ve just jumped onto the vaping bandwagon or have been using electronic cigarettes your entire adult life. You’ll always face challenges when choosing the best vape device for you.

This guide explores the specific things to look for when shopping for a vape mod.

Photo Credit: Pixabay.com

First Things First… What Is A Vape Mod?

When shopping for vape devices, you’ll come across numerous retailers offering a vast collection of vape mods. But before you choose a vape mod, it’s only fair that you begin by understanding these devices.

Vape mods, sometimes also known as box mods, are the most advanced vaporizer types. These devices are designed to utilize a range of vape tanks, typically purchased separately. They also vary in size, shape, and overall design.

Perhaps due to that flexibility, many seasoned vapers typically abandon simplistic vape devices like cigalikes and vape pens for vape tanks.

Do You Need A Vape Mod?

Now that you know what a vape mod is, the next question to settle is whether you need these devices. How you answer this question depends on how long you’ve been vaping.

You’ll probably have better luck with earlier-generation e-cigs like cigalikes and vape pens if you’re a new vaper. These devices feature simplistic designs and ease of use, making them excellent for beginners.

But if you’re already conversant with cigalikes and vape pens, you can experiment with vape mods. Just remember that mods come with heftier price tags than entry-level vaporizers. That’s because they’re primarily designed with seasoned vapers in mind.

Photo Credit: Pixabay.com

Shopping For Your Next Vape Mod — Things to Consider

Check How the Vape Mod Heats

Vaporizers heat by two methods — conduction and convection.

The conduction method is where the coils of an e-cig connect directly to the herbal extracts. In convection heating, the coils are not in contact with the herbal extracts. Instead, the materials get heated indirectly as the coil’s heat diffuses throughout the vapor.

Vape mods that utilize the conduction method are best suited for vaping dry herbs, while devices that heat by convection are mainly designed for vaping e-liquids and wax concentrates.

Determine Your Inhalation Style

There are two major inhalation styles — mouth-to-lung (MTL) and direct-to-lung (DTL).

mouth-to-lung inhalation is where you draw vapor into your mouth first, then hold it for a few seconds before swallowing. You inhale vapor directly from the mod into your lungs in direct-to-ling inhalation.

The mouth-to-lung inhalation style is recommended if looking for a more robust throat. The type is best suited for higher-nicotine e-liquids. On the other hand, the direct-to-lung method works best for e-juices containing lower nicotine potencies. This method is perfect for experienced vapers looking for enhanced vapor and flavor production.

A vape mod’s design will say a lot about the inhalation style best suited for the device. Mouth-to-lung mods usually feature tanks with smaller airflow vents and mouthpieces, while the tanks of direct-to-lung mods usually have larger air vents and mouthpieces.

Photo Credit: Pixabay.com

Check for All the Basic Features

Vape mods vary significantly in design and functionality. However, there are certain basic features that every mod should possess.

At the minimum, insist on vape mods that offer maximum temperature and wattage control. The device should come with a mechanism for increasing or decreasing the wattage, temperature, and even airflow.

You might also consider mods with an LED screen. This screen lets you track several variables, including the remaining battery charge, e-liquid levels, and your current vaping temperature.

Choose Your Atomizer Type

A vape atomizer is the part of the device that transforms the herbal extracts into vapor. The component usually comes as a single unit comprising coils connected to the vape tank through wicking materials.

Now, vape mods come in numerous atomizer types. And as you shall find, each atomizer has its pros and drawbacks.

The most commonly used atomizers are called clearomizers. These atomizers are standard in vape starter kits. Clearomizers are refillable and easy to use. But they usually feature a smaller tank capacity and restricted airflow, which translates to reduced vapor production.

Besides clearomizers, we also have rebuildable atomizers. These atomizers let you build and manually install your coils. They’re recommended if looking for a custom vaping experience. Rebuildable atomizers are further divided into rebuildable tank atomizers (RTAs), rebuildable dripping atomizers (RDAs), and rebuildable dripping tank atomizers (RDTAs).

Rebuildable tank atomizers resemble standard vape tanks, only that you build the coil head yourself instead of relying on the pre-made coil. Rebuildable dripping atomizers do not come with a tank. Instead, these atomizers let you drip e-juice directly onto the wick after every puff. Lastly, rebuildable dripping tank atomizers are a hybrid between RTAs and RDAs.

Photo Credit: Pixabay.com

Final Word

A lot goes into choosing the best vape mod. Hopefully, after reading this guide, you can now hit the stores from the information point of view.

Article source by Honey Bong Blog

