Kindle Challenge

Krystyna Smith
4 min readJul 12, 2023

A fun, bookish tag for all the readers that love their Kindles

This photo was created and taken by the author.

Kindle Challenge

This was a fun tag that was going around on Bookstagram and I thought it would be fun to share it here and engage with more readers, especially those of who are obsessed with our emotional support Kindles. If you’d like to participate just answer the questions below. Be sure to tag me, so I can see your answers. ☺️

  1. Type?
    • I have the Kindle Paperwhite Signature Edition in Black. I received it as a gift from my husband for Valentine’s Day 2023 and it was a huge upgrade from the Kindle Paperwhite — White, 5th generation I had. What’s a bit ironic is I read so much more on this one than I did my first Kindle…not really sure as to why.
  2. Kindle Unlimited?
    • Definitely! I highly recommend it. There are so many books that you can get on Kindle Unlimited. Usually, when you buy a Kindle you can get it 3 months free, which is a great way to see if you enjoy the membership at no extra cost. It’s a pretty inexpensive monthly membership to have access to unlimited books with no due date.
  3. Buy or borrow?
    • Borrow — between all of the books that I get on Kindle Unlimited, Libby, and Netgalley, I don’t really feel the need to buy any on my Kindle. Although, I totally will if I find a good deal.
    • Note: If you’re unfamiliar with Libby, you…



Krystyna Smith

A cozy lifestyle content creator focusing on simple joys and slow moments, often found with a book in one hand and coffee in the other.