Can Crypto Technology Benefit Advertising?


Telegram : @AdrealmGlobal

Adrealm strives to build a new global digital advertising ecosystem where advertisers can set the terms of their advertising needs through smart contracts and work with the most qualified service providers, service providers can compete in a fair and competitive environment without being taken over by large players, and publishers can maximize earnings without being forced into certain revenue-sharing agreement in a non- transparent way.

The industry we are addressing is still huge and growing, at over 10% growth a year hitting almost USD 300 Bn in 2018. The popularity of mobile, which accounts for over 60% of total market size is growing at an even larger pace at nearly 30% a year. Despite all this, the industry is not yet running sustainably. Utilizing blockchain and various other technologies, Adrealm tackles the primary pain point of digital advertising — the lack of trust — which has led to many more bottlenecks in the industry such as ad fraud, data leaks and premium prices caused by monopolistic behaviour.

Adrealm takes a unique approach and design to address these problems facing the industry:

· Envisioning end-to-end ad spend transactions managed through an environment where “code is trust”, through the development of our own public chain

· Ensuring the openness and effectiveness of an application layer where developers can have a trusted and efficient platform to build DApps aimed at making the digital advertising industry more fair and open

· To change the fundamental rule of data ownership — from third-party ownership back to the advertiser — which will effectively ensure greater data mobility and connectedness of high-quality data.

· Develop immediately usable decentralized solutions for advertisers, which plays on Adrealm’s idea of “unpacking” traditionally bundled services into “micro-services”, at a much lower and reasonable price.

How it Works

Adrealm features a triple-layer design: The fundamental data layer, a middle service layer which includes all existing and open-source DApps, and a transaction layer which will be the final step in the ecosystem.

Adrealm will be launching two DApps on the service layer in 2018. The first will be publicly announced on August 2nd — a blockchain-powered mobile attribution and analytics platform named “Xhance”. The name means “exponentially enhance” given the additional functions we can now provide advertisers as data ownership is transferred back to their hands. A second dApp will be announced later in October.

Strategic Partnerships: AI-Driven Ad Mediation for Mobile Games

Adrealm works with several key partnerships to ensure our market reach and technological development, ensuring we deliver value to solve existing pain points in the industry. One of our strategic partnerships is with UPLTV — a global advertising mediation platform focused on user lifetime value analysis.

UPLTV helps mobile game developers and publishers to intelligently maximize their game ROI through an advanced algorithm that proactively fetches the highest eCPM rates from the top 20+ ad platforms, proven to raise ad revenue by 20%. It also leverages Google’s TensorFlow LSTM framework to develop A/B testing and segmentation strategies to continuously improve ad revenue that can be customized for each individual game.

UPLTV is currently working with over 300 game developers and publishers to realize greater in-app monetization efficiency, totalling over 30 million daily ad display volume. UPLTV will be the first service offered on Adrealm, helping Adrealm drive blockchain technology adoption in digital advertising to build a more open, fair and transparent ecosystem.

Key Players on Adrealm

The Adrealm network is a platform for all key players in the traditional digital advertising process.

Adrealm’s goal is to co-exist with the large players and gradually introduce them into the ecosystem, and in the final phase, Adrealm will also migrate traditional media onto the digital ecosystem and onto blockchain ecosystem.

