Switch — Weekly Update

Adrian Daluz
2 min readMar 21, 2020


Hey All! Another weekly update to keep you all in the loop with what’s happening and what’s going to happen going forward.

How last week went!

Last week was a little less positive than usual! The scaling issue is still there, I’ve managed to get completed orders to expire out and remove themselves out of the order mapping when they do so, which is a great way to remove ghost orders from being a problem however it relies on an external oracle service which routinely checks orders to see if they are filled and then move them out. I’ve also played with having trading do this in the same function but the gas cost really does rise far too high on the main-net which has been mentioned by some of the testers I pulled in during the week.

It’s not entirely negative, just means working on removing the oracle function and bringing that into the same contract the exchange runs on which is my goal for this week.

So, where are we now?

Obviously there’s another slight delay, but we have 3 testers on-board now testing on the main-net and are planning to open that up to the entire group over the next week.

I’m pushing back the date beyond where it needs to be just so I have time to get feedback and make changes, so far the feedback has really all been about speed so that’s the goal as always!

New Roadmap

New contract update — March 26th 00:00 UTC

Atomic Swap Update — March 30st 00:00 UTC

End March

Switchdex added to instant swap on Switch.ag
Switch Widget
New Airdrop System
Automatic portal deployment

Early April

Intro screens + Desktop version of dex portals
Gambling games launched
Clearpoll DAO

Final Thoughts

I know everyone is getting frustrated with how long this has taken, myself included if not more than anyone else. We are so very close with public testing occurring already, this weekend I’ll be reaching out and bringing another 3–5 people onboard to test from telegram and then hopefully stretching that out to everyone by mid-week.

That’s it!

Hope you guys enjoy this update, as always ask away in telegram if you have any questions!



