Easy Email Marketing In 2023: 5 Fast Ways To Improve Customer Engagement

Adriana Lima
4 min readAug 26, 2023


Have you ever noticed that, even though e-mail has become one of the most common methods of communication, many people still don’t really know how to use it properly?

Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

Let me give you an example though.

It’s like when you get an e-mail with strange addresses, long links, or questionable content — it’s almost a 50/50 chance that it’s some kind of spam — or something your parents sent.

Even knowing it’s packed with spam and chain letters though, we all check our e-mail every day, because you just never know.

That’s the sweet spot that I want to talk to you about — the “you just never know” category.

Those are the emails we open, even though they may be marketing, spam, or even complete nonsense — because they could also be important.

Honestly, there are a lot more than 5 ways to use e-mail marketing successfully, but I’ve narrowed this list down to my 5 favorites.

If you want to see some more options, you can check out this free online guide by a marketing expert.

5 Fast Techniques & How They Work

Photo by Maxim Ilyahov on Unsplash

1. Newsletters

This is one of the oldest techniques in the book — and it’s still my number 1 choice for one very important reason.

It works.

Is there something new going on with your business that your customers should know about? Then tell them!

Send them a newsletter with all the details, and they’ll be happy to read it just to learn something new — and it might even interest them in a new product, or in returning to see what’s changed.

2. Welcomes

Perhaps the most underrated type of marketing e-mail, in my opinion.

Welcome e-mails show your customers that you care, that you got their information, and that you want them to come back.

More than that though — they’re an excellent reminder that hardly even counts as marketing.

Did a customer buy a new product from you, and then instantly forget about your store?

Not if you sent them a welcome e-mail because they’ll be getting that reminder soon.

3. Special Deals

Now this one can get a bit tricky, so you need to do it carefully — but it’s like the Crane-kick from Karate Kid.

As Mr. Miyagi explained, “If do right, no can defense.”

If you do it wrong though, by which I mean doing it too often, then you’ll only annoy your customers.

My advice? Check out the free guide from a real pro, to see how to do it properly.

Photo by Bram Naus on Unsplash

4. Blog Posts

Now this one is an unusual tactic — and that’s why it sometimes works so well.

In these e-mails, you’re not trying to sell a product (openly), you’re just highlighting a blog, a story, or an anecdote.

Now, ideally, that blog will be somehow related to your services or products — and it’s even better if there’s a hilarious story to go with it, where your brand saved the day.

5. Brand Story

This last method ties in to a new type or marketing that’s been effective lately — I’m going to call it narrative marketing.

In a nutshell, it’s telling the story of your brand, how you came to be, why you do what you do — and how your values align with your customers.

Sometimes a purchase is less about finding the ideal product and more about finding the ideal brand, and this is a good way to set yourself up in that space.

Of course, like I said earlier, these are just my 5 favorite techniques, and there are so many more to choose from.

If you want more tactics, techniques, and tips, there are lots of free expert guides online that can help.

Just remember — the key is to remember that your clients are people too, and all you really need to do is catch their eye to make them think of your brand.

A bit of a story, a quick joke, or even a “Hello, welcome to our store,” can often be enough.

