Getting On Google: The Easy Way To Get Your Business On The Map & Listed Near The Top

Adriana Lima
3 min readDec 5, 2023


Did you know that Google Maps is the top navigation app around the world right now?

Photo by on Unsplash

So it’s no surprise that getting your business listed on Google Maps is… kind of a big deal.

The problem is, everyone wants to have their business listed, and not everyone can show up on the map, all the time.

There’s only so much room.

But how do they decide whose business shows up, and whose doesn’t?

More importantly, what can you do about it to increase your chances of being on top?

More Options Than You Might Think

I have asked a lot of people about this problem, from experts to complete beginners — because I wanted to know what people thought, as well as the solution.

The answer is, there’s a lot you can do, a lot more than you probably suspect — but much of it has diminishing or little return for your time or money.

However, there are a few options that have such an impact, they’re practically essential — like SEO and customer reviews, and a few you may never have heard of.

For example, did you know that generating online niche content can seriously bump you up the list?

Whatever your niche is, if you generate interesting, relevant, and trustworthy content, then get it published online, some of that interest and relevance rubs off on your main site, so to speak.

This could include podcasts, streaming videos, blogs — practically any kind of content will do, and you don’t even have to build it yourself, you could even use a professional content creation service.

Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash

Dial It In

One of the most interesting things a professional might do to help is dial in your exact keywords using real-world simulations.

Sure, you can do this yourself — if you have a few weeks to keep searching for yourself and making notes on the results — but trust me, the professionals can do it a lot faster, and probably better.

It’s during this stage that an expert might find all the keywords your business is popping up for, and start refining them.

In short, they want to make sure that your puppet-selling business is coming up for searches of “buy puppets” and not “buy puppies” — because even though we all love puppies, that’s not helpful for your bottom line.

Photo by on Unsplash

External Factors

So what if you’ve done everything you can, but it’s still not enough to put you on the map?

It’s likely due to an external factor, or several, holding you back.

Maybe you have no reviews yet, or no back-links, so Google is basically pretending that you don’t exist.

Or perhaps your Google Business Profile isn’t properly set up and linked to your websites.

There could be lots of things holding you back at this point — but they all sound like oversights that can be quickly corrected, as soon as an expert finds the problem.

The point is — whether you’re just barely on the map, or still struggling to make it, there are ways to improve your standing.

You don’t need to be a megacorporation to get listed on Google Maps, you just need the right strategy, and perhaps a bit of professional help.

With the internet, those are both easy to find.

