7 Authentic Backlink Building Techniques

Adriana Stein
11 min readSep 3, 2020
build backlinks

You’ve found your niche, clarified your message, and set the wheels of your content marketing strategy in motion. What’s next?

Now it’s time to widen your reach and cast a bigger net. And the most effective way to do that is through backlink building.

Backlink building is nothing more than building meaningful connections. In non-technical terms, you simply want more people to know about you and your amazing business. The way to do that is by being so helpful and creating so much value that other businesses and content creators will be doing a disservice to their audience by not linking to you.

Easier said than done, I know, but with a simple and efficient system, it’s doable.

Before we dive into the specific tactics, you first have to understand that effective and authentic backlink building is a long game — just like building any meaningful relationship. When it comes to building your business and brand authority, you don’t want cheap connections and lousy leads. You want your backlinks to catch your people — the people who will find your content useful, the people whose problems you can solve, and the people who will be so happy with how your business helped them that they will be telling their friends about you.



Adriana Stein

I am the founder of https://idiconsultancy.com/ a content agency in Hamburg. Originally from the US, I specialize in SEO & marketing automation.