How to Create a Customer Journey Map

Adriana Stein
8 min readSep 30, 2020
customer journey map

We all enjoy a classic boy-meets-girl story — or in our case, the ideal customer meets the perfect business.

Like rom-com stories, our customers’ interactions with our business follow a trajectory that starts with attraction, develops into interest, escalates to desire, and incites action.

Sure, it’s not always linear. Just like couples fall in love at first sight, you can get lucky and connect so deeply with a customer on the first touch. And just like that college flame who couldn’t commit, we do get customers who read all our blogs, open all our emails, DM us all the time, but have never once actually paid a single cent for any of our paid products (but still we love them!).

Most of the time, though, our customers expect this normal course of a relationship. Just as you don’t suddenly step up to a stranger in the subway and tell them to marry you and have babies with you (at least I hope so!), you shouldn’t pressure your potential customers into buying your product the moment they click to your website.

On the flip side, you wouldn’t want to interrupt them either as they’re entering their credit card details just to ask them to read a listicle of the ten amazing ways your product will change their lives.



Adriana Stein

I am the founder of a content agency in Hamburg. Originally from the US, I specialize in SEO & marketing automation.