How to Reduce Customer Pain Points

Adriana Stein
7 min readJul 7, 2020

You have invested too much time and money in your business to allow a customer to walk away from a purchase because of a bad experience, even though they actually wanted to buy your product or service.

Your effort is wasted when a prospect is on your website trying to complete the sales process and then runs into a barrier that stops the sale such as not being able to find the answer to a simple question.

Identifying and addressing customer pain points like the examples above enables you to improve customer experience, which in turn grows your business because more prospects are drawn into your brand and convert.

So, here is an overview on how to identify and address pain points in order to develop the best possible customer experience and win more customers.

What are customer pain points?

Customer pain points are challenges that your existing and prospective customers are facing while interacting with your business. Identifying these challenges improves a customer’s experience, which in turn strengthens your relationship with them. The best way to identify these pain points is to put yourself in the shoes of your customer and undergo the experience of interacting with your own company as a customer.



Adriana Stein

I am the founder of a content agency in Hamburg. Originally from the US, I specialize in SEO & marketing automation.