Untitled Goose Game Review

Adrian Lungu
6 min readDec 31, 2023


Honking Good Fun: Our Review of Untitled Goose Game on Steam

This article was written using AI assistance.

Untitled Goose Game is a popular indie game developed by House House and published by Panic. It was released in September 2019 and quickly gained attention for its unique premise and charming gameplay. The game follows the misadventures of a mischievous goose as it wreaks havoc on an unsuspecting village. Players take on the role of the goose and must complete various objectives while causing chaos and mayhem along the way.

The idea for Untitled Goose Game originated from a simple image of a goose causing trouble in a village. The developers at House House saw the potential for a fun and humorous game, and thus began the development process. The game quickly gained a following after its initial announcement, with players eagerly anticipating the chance to play as a troublesome goose.

Gameplay Overview: What to Expect

Untitled Goose Game is a stealth-based puzzle game that requires players to complete various objectives while avoiding detection. The game is divided into different areas, each with its own set of challenges and tasks. Players must navigate through these areas, using the goose’s abilities to interact with objects and manipulate the environment.

The controls in Untitled Goose Game are simple and intuitive, allowing players to easily move the goose around and interact with objects. The game also features a dedicated honk button, which can be used to startle NPCs or distract them from their tasks. Players must use their wits and creativity to solve puzzles and overcome obstacles in order to progress through the game.

Graphics and Sound Design

Untitled Goose Game features a charming visual style that is reminiscent of hand-drawn illustrations. The environments are beautifully rendered, with vibrant colors and detailed textures. The character designs are also well-crafted, capturing the essence of each NPC and the mischievous nature of the goose.

The sound design in Untitled Goose Game is equally impressive, with each action accompanied by appropriate sound effects. The honking of the goose, the footsteps of NPCs, and the various interactions with objects all contribute to the immersive experience. The game also features a delightful soundtrack that complements the gameplay and adds to the overall atmosphere.

The Goose as a Playable Character

One of the highlights of Untitled Goose Game is the unique character of the goose itself. The goose has its own set of abilities and characteristics that make playing as it both fun and entertaining. The goose can run, flap its wings, pick up objects with its beak, and of course, honk.

The goose’s behavior also affects gameplay, as NPCs will react differently depending on the goose’s actions. For example, honking at an NPC may startle them and cause them to drop an item, while stealing an object may prompt them to chase after the goose. Players must use these behaviors to their advantage in order to complete objectives and progress through the game.

Playing as a goose is a refreshing change from traditional video game protagonists. It offers a unique perspective and allows players to experience the world through the eyes of a mischievous animal. The unpredictability and humor that comes with playing as a goose adds an extra layer of enjoyment to the game.

Puzzles and Challenges

Untitled Goose Game features a variety of puzzles and challenges that players must solve in order to progress. These puzzles range from simple tasks, such as stealing an item or opening a gate, to more complex objectives that require careful planning and execution.

The difficulty level of the puzzles increases as players advance through the game, with later levels requiring more strategic thinking and problem-solving skills. However, the game strikes a good balance between challenge and accessibility, ensuring that players of all skill levels can enjoy the experience.

To solve puzzles and overcome challenges, players must carefully observe their surroundings and experiment with different interactions. The game encourages creativity and thinking outside the box, allowing players to come up with their own solutions to problems. This open-ended approach adds to the replayability of the game, as there are often multiple ways to complete objectives.

Interacting with NPCs

Untitled Goose Game features a variety of non-playable characters (NPCs) that players must interact with in order to complete objectives. These NPCs have their own routines and behaviors, and players must learn to manipulate them in order to achieve their goals.

Interacting with NPCs can involve a variety of actions, such as stealing their belongings, distracting them with honks, or leading them away from certain areas. Each NPC reacts differently to the goose’s actions, adding an element of unpredictability and challenge to the gameplay.

The interactions with NPCs also play a role in the game’s story progression. As players complete objectives and cause chaos in the village, the NPCs will react and adapt to the goose’s presence. This creates a dynamic and evolving world that feels alive and responsive to the player’s actions.

Open-World Exploration

Untitled Goose Game features an open-world environment that players are free to explore at their own pace. The game is divided into different areas, each with its own unique setting and challenges. Players can freely navigate through these areas, discovering new objectives and secrets along the way.

Exploration is a key aspect of the game, as players must uncover hidden paths and interact with objects in order to progress. The open-world nature of the game allows for a sense of freedom and discovery, as players can choose how they want to approach each objective.

The game also features hidden secrets and easter eggs that reward players for thorough exploration. These secrets can range from hidden items to additional challenges or achievements. Finding these secrets adds an extra layer of depth to the game and encourages replayability.

Replayability and Endgame Content

Untitled Goose Game offers a high level of replayability, thanks to its open-ended gameplay and hidden secrets. Players can choose to replay levels and objectives in order to achieve better scores or complete additional challenges. The game also features a checklist of objectives that players can strive to complete, adding to the replay value.

In addition to replaying levels, Untitled Goose Game also offers endgame content and objectives. Once players have completed the main story, they can unlock new challenges and achievements that provide additional gameplay and goals. This ensures that players have plenty of content to keep them engaged even after completing the initial objectives.

Multiplayer Options

Untitled Goose Game features a multiplayer mode that allows players to team up with friends and cause chaos together. In this mode, each player controls their own goose and must work together to complete objectives. The multiplayer mode adds an extra layer of fun and interaction, as players can coordinate their actions and create even more chaos.

Playing in multiplayer mode also introduces new challenges and strategies, as players must communicate and coordinate their actions in order to succeed. However, the multiplayer mode is purely optional, and the game can still be enjoyed in single-player mode.

Price and Value for Money

Untitled Goose Game is priced at a reasonable point for an indie game, making it accessible to a wide range of players. The game offers a substantial amount of gameplay and content for its price, with multiple areas to explore, puzzles to solve, and objectives to complete.

In terms of value for money, Untitled Goose Game delivers a unique and enjoyable experience that is well worth the price. The game offers a refreshing change from traditional video games, with its charming visuals, entertaining gameplay, and humorous premise.

When compared to other similar games, Untitled Goose Game stands out for its originality and creativity. It offers a fresh take on the puzzle genre and provides a unique perspective on gameplay. For players looking for something different and enjoyable, Untitled Goose Game is definitely worth considering.

Final Verdict: Is Untitled Goose Game Worth Your Time?

In conclusion, Untitled Goose Game is a delightful and entertaining indie game that offers a unique and enjoyable experience. With its charming visuals, engaging gameplay, and humorous premise, the game is sure to captivate players of all ages.

The game’s puzzles and challenges provide a good balance of difficulty and accessibility, ensuring that players of all skill levels can enjoy the experience. The open-world environment and hidden secrets add to the replayability, providing plenty of content to keep players engaged even after completing the main objectives.

The multiplayer mode offers an additional layer of fun and interaction, allowing players to team up with friends and cause chaos together. However, the game can still be enjoyed in single-player mode, making it accessible to those who prefer to play alone.

Overall, Untitled Goose Game is a well-crafted and enjoyable game that is definitely worth your time. Whether you’re a fan of puzzle games or simply looking for something different and entertaining, Untitled Goose Game is sure to deliver a memorable experience. So grab your honking hat and get ready to cause some mischief as a mischievous goose!

