4 Keys to a Diamond Heist in Big Bear Mountain

Adrian Quihuis
3 min readSep 8, 2016


My next score took me to Big Bear mountain to steal some diamonds. While most of my robberies and thefts of art, books etc. would take place in Los Angeles, I’m always ready for diamonds where ever they may be. Like all of my Heists, there are certain keys to pulling off a successful score… that I learn after the fact.

4 keys to a Diamond Heist in Big Bear Mountain

  1. Have an escape plan- I knew the target and how to get the diamonds, thats’s my wheelhouse. But my escape plan fell through. I wanted to do a snowboard down the mountain type of thing but the snow had melted already and I had a time limit. In secluded area type of heists, its best not to use cars or something that can make noise. So it was either hiking down, mountain biking or …. lucky for me there was a Zipline company near by that takes you down.

2. Don’t interact with people- Avoid people all together, you don’t want people to start putting 2 and 2 together. But its hard when the group that was ziplining, is a bunch of blonde hotties. I started chatting it up and they started flirting and connections and phone numbers were exchanged.

3. No evidence left behind- You don’t want any finger prints, DNA or footage that could pinpoint you to the location of the crime. So do your research on your Zipline companies, because the one I joined as my escape goes all out on content. They take pictures of you going down the zipline, they equip you with a gopro on your helmet that can also go on your wrist.

4. BE NIGHT- Heist at night, go at night, look like the night. Wear all black, be the shadow. So my target only goes out of his place during the day. My reconnaissance team gave me all the data over a couple of months, he’s never gone out at night. He leaves during the day and back before sunset. Which means being the night will be during the day time. So if you are going to wear all black, own it.

“It was a toss-up whether I’d go in for diamonds or sing in the choir. The choir lost.” — Mae West

More Heists to come… Follow my on Instagram and Youtube. Check out ADRIANQUIHUIS.COM



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