The Main Step X Function in Dealing with Market Flow

Adrian roy
3 min readAug 26, 2019


When we buy an item, one of the things we will see is in terms of its uniqueness that can distinguish it from other goods. It’s the same if we buy a new smartphone, even though it doesn’t have much difference from the old smartphone. Surely we will choose a new smartphone that offers more advantages. Similar to the use of Blockchain technology on the BOB smartphone operating system launched by X Function.

X Function is a platform that provides decentralized internet services, while also providing an encrypted security system. Where these two services are certainly initiated by the Blockchain technology system. Noted at this time also the number of platforms that specifically provide the operating system Blockchain technology is very minimal. Therefore this momentum will be utilized by X Function to further expand the targeted market share.

At present both Anroid and IOS systems can also produce fast internet service access, but not all operating systems can provide a reliable security system. Do you know why many of the world’s leading institutions and companies are conducting a number of research series specifically examining Blockchain technology. This is because many trusted opinions about the strong fortifications provided by Blockchain. Even more surprising, where basically the technology already has reliability and when integrated into a system. This technology is also collaborated with other technological systems such as artificial intelligence technology (Artificial Inteligent) and also with a number of other technological components such as Ring CT. So it would be natural if he could produce a multiple-layer security system.

All hardware currently launched by X Function is just a demo to show its superiority in the eyes of users. The next step he will take is to make a business agreement, where X Function only acts as the party that provides a decentralized and encryption system on the Blockchain. This is indeed one business model that is quite different from other platforms, but it can also automatically generate a million profits.

Currently Anroid and IOS are indeed listed as the two giant mercury technologies that currently remain at the top. Where they also have the same business model with X Function which only provides a system. Except IOS which also creates systems and hardware that are only specialized for the I Phone. If we look deeper into why sophisticated technology systems such as IOS only create a system specifically for I Phone users, even though if we look at it from an economic perspective, we can say that expanding the use of I Phone can automatically expand market share. If we look at it from a psychological point of view, this is because IOS or I Phone still have doubts if later the system is very easy to be traced or stolen by other manufacturers. So, it could be suddenly — the hardware manufacturer will terminate the cooperation contract. Another opinion also said that at this time I Phone only wanted to concentrate on increasing market share by diversifying its own products. In addition, so far we have also very often heard the news that both Samsung as one of the Anroid users and I Phone as the main IOS user, indeed often involved in a dispute. Where this dispute has continued to court. Of course this also makes X Function more careful in making the right investment decisions. Therefore he chose Blockchain technology to protect the secret data that he had.

The advantage of Blockchain technology is that it doesn’t need to be doubted anymore, because currently one of the biggest companies in the world like Facebook also plans to make their own cryptocurrency. This also proves that Blockchain technology only has a plus in terms of the system, but also has an advantage in increasing economic value. Therefore, this also motivates X Function to have a business model that has a use value and at the same time has economic value.






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