1,000 Hours of Drawing

Adrian Tsang
3 min readSep 17, 2017


I started sketching recently on the train to work last month (30 minutes each way), basically copying life drawings and photos of sculptures off my phone. Been pretty consistent and also managing extra hours at home and on the weekend. Managed to get through 1 sketchbook, and on a whim decided to make a little marker label for it.

Since I’ve already racked up about 200 hours on Bargue drawings I thought it might be fun to track progress up to 1,000 hours and see what things look like. on the other side. Of course the ‘rule’ is 10,000 hours to achieve mastery, but that would probably take me at least 10 years working at a hobbyists pace.

Sources: life drawing from grizandnorm.com, Michael Mettesi’s book ‘Force Figure Drawing’, and a photo of a statue of Achilles
sculpture of a gladiator by Pierre Mourant, a drawing from life, at dinner, and a oil painting by Steve Huston
random copies of hand drawings, copy of a drawing by Andrew James, and another grizandnorm.com life drawing
couldn’t find the source images for these, but the first is a charcoal drawing, second is a sculpture photo, and the third is from a painting
grizandnomr.com, random arms from pineterest, and an oil painting by Jennifer Gennari
random arm, and a photograph of the old crossed arm frog meme.



Adrian Tsang

Musings on, and Attempts at Art, Visual FX, and related things