Step-by-Step Tutorial: Integrating Your Computer’s Audio with ChatGPT Using Hintscribe

Adrian Wąsik
3 min readDec 27, 2023



In a world where efficiency and smart technology go hand in hand, the ability to convert real-time system audio into actionable text and interact with it through AI is nothing short of revolutionary. Hintscribe is at the forefront of this innovation, providing a user-friendly way to bridge your system’s audio with the advanced capabilities of ChatGPT.

Whether you’re a professional looking to enhance meeting productivity, a content creator seeking to streamline your workflow, or simply someone who loves exploring the potentials of AI, this tutorial will walk you through how to harness the power of Hintscribe for integrating system audio with ChatGPT.

Benefits of Integrating System Audio with ChatGPT

Before diving into the tutorial, let’s quickly explore the benefits of this integration:

  1. Enhanced Productivity: Automate transcription of meetings, interviews, or any audio content, allowing you to focus on the content rather than note-taking.
  2. Immediate Interaction: Engage with transcribed text in real-time, asking questions, seeking translations, or generating creative content on the fly.
  3. Accessibility and Inclusivity: Provides a text-based alternative for audio content, making information more accessible to everyone, including those with hearing impairments.
  4. Content Creation and Analysis: Easily create written content from audio sources and analyze conversations for insights using AI.
  5. Educational and Language Learning Tool: Use transcription for language learning, understanding lectures, or educational purposes.

Step 1: Download and Install Hintscribe

  • Begin by downloading the free version of Hintscribe from Hintscribe’s official website.
  • Follow the installation instructions to set up Hintscribe on your computer.

Step 2: Setting Up Your ChatGPT API Key

  • To integrate ChatGPT with Hintscribe, you’ll need to set up your own OpenAI API key. This gives you control over your usage and costs, as Hintscribe does not charge additional fees for this feature.
  • Learn how to obtain your OpenAI API key from here.
  • Benefits of using your own GPT key include spending control and customized usage.

Step 3: Choosing Your Transcription Method

  • Hintscribe offers two transcription approaches:
  • Vosk Models: Free, but does not include language recognition.
  • Whisper: Charged by OpenAI, offers more accuracy and language recognition.
  • The default language for Hintscribe’s user interface is English, but you can download additional language models for free. Find out more here.

Step 4: Starting the Transcription

  • Activate transcription by clicking the ‘Start Transcription’ button.
  • Remember to inform others if you’re transcribing their voices, such as during a meeting. However, the transcription process is discreet and doesn’t require any integration.

Step 5: Interacting with the Transcription Using ChatGPT

As transcription occurs, you’ll see the spoken text appear on your screen.

  • Select either the entire transcription or a specific part of it to interact with ChatGPT.
  • Need a summary? Set up a prompt in the ChatGPT context and click ‘Submit All’ for instant summarization.
Setup a context for GPT Assistant and select all or fragment of transcription


With Hintscribe, the possibilities are limitless. From getting small talk hints to translations and answers to questions, your creativity is the only limit. This tool not only enhances productivity but also adds a layer of intelligence and accessibility to your interactions with audio content. Embrace the future of audio and AI integration with Hintscribe.

