How to test your Meteor.js web app using Chimp, Cucumber and Jasmine

Adrien Joly
Caffeine and Testing
4 min readJan 17, 2016

I feel that automated tests are like teenage sex: developers talk a lot about it, but only few of them actually do it. (at least from the developers I talk with)

Yesterday, while I was integrating a complex login/signup flow on a Meteor.js web app for a client, I felt that this complexity could lead to future bugs. So I decided to write a test to make sure that it won’t fall apart on any future commit.

EDIT: At the time, I was using Chimp v0.24.1, running on Node v0.12.9.
Be careful, Chimp is evolving a lot, so this tutorial may already be deprecated.

My problems were:

  • I have very little experience with automated testing,
  • I had never written tests for a Meteor.js app,
  • and I was confused about the current best practices (if any) with that technology: What tool should I use?

Why did I struggle?

Apparently MDG had decided to use Velocity as their standard test driver, but I could not see any reference to testing (besides tinytest for testing packages) in Meteor.js’ official documentation and guide.

I also read that Chimp was the direction MDG was currently heading towards. But I spent some time understanding how to setup my tests from scratch, because I had to discover several tools and langages at once:

  • Chimp (the test runner),
  • Cucumber (the langage for writing test scenarios),
  • and Jasmine (the the langage for expressing test validation criteria).

Moreover, these tools are generic, and Meteor.js brings additional objects and methods that can (or must) be used from Chimp and Cucumber.

The setup process

As explained on their documentation, I installed Chimp globally using `npm install -g chimp` so that I could run the `chimp` command from anywhere. On the first run, Chimp installed webdriver (or scelenium, I don’t remember).

But, the first run concluded with a weird error: `Directory features does not exist. Not running`, and I had not found any mention of that directory (or error) in Chimp’s documentation.

I had to find in this tutorial that tests had to be described in a `features` directory, using the Gherkin langage. So I added a `./tests/features/test.feature` file in my Meteor.js project, to see what would happen:

Feature: Search the Web

As a human
I want to search the web
So I can find information

Scenario: Search for
Given I have visited Google
When I search for ""
Then I see ""

As Chimp was running in `watch` mode, it provided me with some code in the console, to help me implement the corresponding tests:

You can implement step definitions for undefined steps with these snippets:

this.Given(/^I have visited Google$/, function () {
// Write the automation code here

this.When(/^I search for "([^"]*)"$/, function () {
// Write the automation code here

this.Then(/^I see "([^"]*)"$/, function () {
// Write the automation code here

So, by following the tutorial, and reading Cucumber-js’ docs, I wrote the following `./tests/features/support/defs.js` file:

module.exports = function() {  // Hooks  // this function is run before testing each scenario.
// it makes sure that we're using a test (i.e. empty) database.
this.Before(function(scenario) {
console.log('meteor running on:', + ‘:’ + server._original.port);
console.log(‘about to test:’, scenario.getName());
var result = server.execute(function() {
console.log(‘counting...’); // displays in Meteor's console
return Meteor.users.find().fetch().length;
// this function is run after testing each scenario
this.After(function(scenario) {
// TODO: clean DB, to prevent side-effects between tests
// Tests this.Given(/^I have visited Google$/, function () {
browser.url(''); // ...or localhost:3000 ^^
// browser = WebdriverIO instance

this.When(/^I search for "([^"]*)"$/, function (searchTerm) {
browser.setValue('input[name="q"]', searchTerm);

this.Then(/^I see "([^"]*)"$/, function (link) {
browser.waitForExist('a=' + link);
// I also added this test, based on another example:
this.Then(/^They see the title "([^"]*)"$/, function(title) {
expect(browser.getTitle()).toEqual(title); // Jasmine Expect

When both files are correct, and Chimp is running in watch mode from the ./tests directory, it’s working awesomely!

  • Chimp opens a Chrome browser, and we can see tests running in that window, like if a real human user was doing it!
  • Test results display in Chimp’s console.

But my `Before` hook prevents the tests from actually running, because the database is not empty. Indeed, as advised by Chimp’s Meteor tutorial, I had launched Chimp that way:

chimp --ddp=http://localhost:3000 --watch

…which connects to my development Meteor.js instance, and thus, to my development database (containing data: users, etc…).

I found on a forum that it was ok to run two Meteor instances:

  • one for development, by just running the `meteor` command;
  • and one for testing, by specifying different HTTP and DB ports.

So I ended up writing the following `./` script that I use today:

#!/bin/bash# Startup Chimp testing instance
echo After METEOR IS READY, run: chimp --path=tests \
--ddp=http://localhost:$METEOR_PORT --watch
bash -c "MONGO_URL=mongodb://localhost:$MONGO_PORT/chimp_db \
meteor --port $METEOR_PORT $@"

When I’m working on my project:

  • I run `meteor` to start the development instance, as usual;
  • then I run `./` in another console, to start the testing instance.
  • When, the testing instance is running, I copy-paste the chimp command printed by my script, to yet another console.

That way, I’m able to develop as usual from localhost:3000, using my development database; and to run tests in the background, on a dedicated (clean) database.

In a nutshell (tl;dr)

If you want to add end-to-end tests using Chimp+Cucumber+Jasmine to your Meteor.js project:



Adrien Joly
Caffeine and Testing

👨‍💻 Software crafter @SHODO, legacy code / tech debt doctor ( 🥁 Drummer of “Harissa”, VR lover, music digger