From Anime to Reality: How ‘Attack on Titan’ Reflects Conflicts in Gaza and North Korea

3 min readJan 24, 2024

Understanding the Echoes of Gaza and North Korea through the Lens of a Popular Anime

In a world increasingly fragmented by conflict and political strife, the popular anime ‘Attack on Titan’ offers a poignant reflection on human nature and the cyclical nature of blame and retribution. As we examine current and potential conflicts in regions like Gaza and North Korea, this series provides a unique lens through which we can understand the complexities of intergenerational conflict and the innate human instinct to protect one’s own.

Gaza (left) vs Attack on Titan (right)

The Cycle of Blame and the Shadow of History

Attack on Titan’ masterfully illustrates the concept of a never-ending cycle of blame and retribution. This theme resonates deeply with the situations in Gaza and North Korea, where historical grievances continue to fuel present-day conflicts. The anime challenges viewers to consider the fairness of blaming a new generation for the sins of their predecessors, a dilemma that is starkly relevant in these real-world conflicts.

The anime challenges viewers to consider the fairness of blaming a new generation for the sins of their predecessors, a dilemma that is starkly relevant in these real-world conflicts.

