Building Decentralized Local Economies with Blockchain

Adri Shahri
3 min readAug 28, 2023


In an era where technology is reshaping the way we live and do business, a bold vision has emerged — one that promises to transform economies from the ground up. Welcome to a journey that unveils the power of blockchain and decentralization, a journey that holds the potential to redefine not just business but the very fabric of daily life.

Imagine a world where every transaction, every exchange of value, flows seamlessly on the world of blockchain. Envision a reality where your morning coffee, a visit to the doctor, or a quick trip to your favorite local restaurant all happen with the effortless tap of a unified digital currency. This isn’t science fiction — it’s the future we’re shaping today.

The Vision of Decentralized Economies

At the heart of this paradigm shift lies our vision — a vision of thriving decentralized economies that transcend the confines of traditional models. Our goal isn’t just to change the way we transact, but to reimagine the very essence of economies. A vision where blockchain technology becomes the backbone of a world where transparency, efficiency, and inclusivity reign supreme.

Empowering the Local

But what’s even more remarkable is that this vision isn’t distant; it’s already in motion. We’re actively igniting change through pilot projects across the globe. And the beauty of it? You, too, can become a pioneer of change in your own community.

Invitation to the Future

Today, we extend a hand and an invitation — a chance to be part of something revolutionary. As you delve into the insights we’re about to share, imagine yourself at the forefront of economic transformation. Picture yourself as a trailblazer, shaping a world where autonomy, innovation, and resilience converge to build communities that thrive.

Before you embark on this journey, take a moment to visit our GitHub repository. There, you’ll find the tangible steps, the blueprints, and the inspiration to turn this vision into reality.

The journey begins now — into a world where economies are decentralized, communities are empowered, and the future is shaped by those who dare to dream differently. Welcome to the dawn of decentralized local economies, where every step is a step toward transformation.

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Adri Shahri

Founder @ Futurify | Senior Software Engineer @ 99x | Emperor(R) TGC