What every freelancer should know about Ui/Ux

Sebastian Bastidas
4 min readJun 23, 2014

There was a time when graphic design was meant to be printed. Everything was simpler a long time ago. Designers finished their work whether it was a brochure, a banner or even an annoying flyer you get on the streets. Success was achieved when customers were attracted to your business.

Times have changed and now most of the media is already online. Newspapers, magazines, shops and every type of imaginable business now work on the web. The most important difference between the web and print is interactivity. While print only sends a message, the web is a two-way medium.

People get to click on ads, browse local stores and interact with every available component of the web. This interactivity allows a deeper connection with your client but, at the same time, it immediately closes the relation when the experience is bad.

People do judge a book by its cover, they will skim your product a few seconds before moving on to the next thing that is trying to catch their attention. You have one instant to catch them, and once you have them, all you have is a great experience to hold on to them.

Diversification of Design, Ui and Ux

I have one rule that says: “With great budget comes greater diversification of labor”. If you work at Google or Yahoo, there is a chance that there are 5 designers for every aspect that I am about to cover. If you are a freelancer, you’ll have to do it by yourself.

Design: It is the base upon which everything is built. Design is the part that amazes the customer, it is the colors, the great looks that make a product establish itself amongst others.

Ui: The user interface comes with the evolution of the media. The interaction between with the user and the product is what makes the interface, which is the way in which people communicate and understand each other.

Ux: The concept of user experience is even newer than Ui, it is more abstract also. User experience is the need to engage in a better way with the users. while design attracts users, Ux seeks to keep users.

-Design is the cute girl/guy that works on the coffee shop on the corner.

-Ui is the english language and the name of the “Triple decaf espresso caramel latte” you ask for

-Ux is the feeling you get if he/she treats you nicely. (Or rudely shoves your coffee).

Ui/Ux and Graphic Design, all in one.

If you are a freelancer, chances are, the project owners don’t have a lot of budget. You are working very closely with the developer or development team that is coding the back-end of the application. There is no room, no time, no budget to hire a designer, a Ui wizard and a Ux astronaut.

Developers and businessmen need an all-in-one solution to their problems. We really don’t care how you call what you do. What we want is a designer, one that does a such an amazing design that we immediately want to download their app. Usability is implicit within a great design, it has to be the core of design. The user has to freely flow through the application. Have you ever seen the designer of a car talking about Ux? Probably not, but every great car has to be great with the user.

How hard is it to have a great Ui/Ux?

Unless you are designing the conversion funnel for an investment banking solution that is going to change the world, Ui and Ux are sometimes even predefined. Check our fast solution to a great design:

1. Know your guidelines (30 min read) Just by using apples guidelines you’ll have a great experience. Designers don’t have to reinvent the flow of applications, you can use the ones that are already made. If you want to go back, probably a button on the upper left corner is the solution.


OS X Human Interface Guideline / iOS Human Interface Guideline


Android Developers (Design)

2. Prototype (20 min). Even if it is just for yourself, make a prototype first. Sketching can be done manually or using a mock up service. Don’t involve much of the graphics on this stage. Just draw standard buttons, text and pictures where you want them to. This is a great way to ensure your app will have a great structure and that it will be usable.

Visualizing simple, handwritten sketches or simple mockups makes it easy to test if the design is great. Does it just look right? then its right for design.

3. Test (5 min) Can you mentally connect every part of the application? Can you go where you want to with the controls you have established?

This can be a great time to check if your app is visually engaging. Will that large picture look great on the homepage? etc.

4. Design (your call) Once the flow of the application has been established, you are on your own to make the best design ever.

Great design involves everything there is to design, from graphics to experience. Making the user experience great is most of the time following guidelines. This is because users are used to doing certain things like tapping, pinching for zoom or tilting for a wider view. interacting seamlessly with users is the best way to go. Making your design great is a completely different matter and it completely depends on yourself. Integrate guidelines and prototyping to your process and your designs will never be the same, for good.

