How To Grow In A Passion Without Formal Training

2 min readJan 30, 2017


Most of us learn along the way that what we studied in school is not what we rely on or love. Sometimes you may love a certain passion, but there are no formal structures of training. If you truly love what you do, then there are a couple of ways of going about building that skill and ability. Make no mistake formal training in a structured system is the easiest ways of training yourself towards your passion. However, there is a whole host of other ways of learning and becoming good in your passion.

Online Media: For any single topic in the world, there are hundreds possibly thousands of websites and blogs with insightful and educative content about it. You can scour the internet and curate the blogs and sites that address your specific passion. Consistently read through them and find out what you know and what you don’t know about your area of interest. Narrow down on which specific area of that passion you want to study and read hard and wide.

Internships: Both structured and unstructured internships, as well as industrial attachment, can be such a powerful source of training. Internships offers you time to be mentored and instructed in real world scenarios about your area of passion. Find a firm that is dynamic and cutting edge when it comes to your area of passion and offer to intern with then for a set period. During that season ask all the question, learn anything and everything and be open to trying out new interests within your field.

Copying Others: As the saying goes copying is the highest form of flattery. Since you probably don’t know what you don’t know, look at what others have done and try to emulate them. Pick their favorite works and try to replicate them as much as you can. If you can get in touch with them, then look for them and benchmark on what they are doing. Do not isolate yourself. Remember they are your best source of knowledge, wisdom, and scope of skills needed to succeed in the industry.

Find Your Voice: No two pros are the same. This means that you’ll have to find your voice. The moment you move into the industry of your passion you ought to give yourself the chance to try and fail as many times as possible. Always come off each trial better and more refined. You’ll never learn through theory alone. Spend as many hours as you can trying to perfect the art by doing it.

