4 min readJan 15, 2018


“What am I ever going to be good at? All my life I have always had to applaud others but no applause for me. I never get noticed, even when I’m noticed its by not so very important people like me.

Will I ever make it big? will I get to the top of my career? Why can’t I sing like Ene? Dance like Ebby, be humorous like Jim, be beautiful like Ola, captivate the audience with my wonderful speech like Cynthia? or write widely appreciated books and articles like Catherine? Why? Is there something wrong with me?

I can’t lead my class in tests and exams, I can’t cook perfectly like my sister, I can’t attract the right people. Why does someone have to beat me in everything I do? was I born to be a mediocre? Or a lowlife? My life is so pathetic”. Twenty year old Mo complained to her aunt sadly. She had gone to spend her holiday with her aunt, and this had been her outburst when her aunt asked what was bothering her.

“Definitely Mo, you have not been feeling good about yourself and you still don’t feel good. Her aunt responded.


It is important to feel good about one’s self no matter the circumstances. No one can attract the right people, by wallowing in self pity and low self esteem. This is because having a cheerful and positive attitude sends a signal to the environment that says I love myself and I love life, and this attracts lovely people and things into one’s life.

Quick tips

Having a goal matters as well. This helps to work towards a mission, this further improves one’s self esteem because having a goal makes one possess this “I am important, “I am not just an ordinary person”, “I have a goal” and “I have a destination” vibe.

Taking actions towards your goal, visualizing yourself, how you want your life to be also helps a great deal.

It is important to work on your thoughts as well. Your thoughts decide whether you act positively or negatively, your actions affect your emotions which affects your physical body. So this means that if you don’t feel good about yourself it affects your physical body as well as your thoughts.

Your thought is affected by what is going on in your body.
The brain has a part to play in our thoughts too, afterall we think with our minds. Food sometimes affect the brain making it lose focus this affects positive thinking. For instance, excessive eating is what makes the body gain extra fat and extra fat has a way of making an individual feel bad and think negative about his or herself. Exercise is one of the things that helps to reduce fat, therefore exercising also helps one feel good about his/herself.

You also need to get over yourself, no matter what anyone as done to get you in a terrible mood get over it. According to Virginia satir “we must not allow other people’s limited perception to define us. Our believes is a function of our thoughts, feelings and actions.

Finally you must begin to focus on good thoughts say this to yourself often &often:
I am important, fully competent and capable.
I am highly creative, intelligent, attractive, energetic, witty, smart, healthy, wealthy, wise.
I love myself unconditionally despite all my flaws.
I don’t rely on approval of others.
I am fun and exciting to be with.
I am comfortable talking about myself.
I do not feel guilty about my desires.
The more I love myself, the more I get love from others.


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