Grover’s Algo with Google’s Cirq

Abhishek Dubey
1 min readMay 7, 2020


Google Cirq

Though you would have heard about Google releasing TensorFlow Quantum, but this in-turn uses Google Cirq which is the main library which is used to build quantum circuit to later run on Quantum Computers or Simulators.

The Idea of Tensorflow Quantum is embed the Quantum computation with Machine learning for an hybrid quantum-classical machine learning framework. Currently Tensorflow brings CPU-GPU interaction and the idea is to extend it to CPU-GPU-QPU (Quantum Processing Unit).

Below is the architecture for the same:

Tensorflow Quantum Stack from:

The way you build your circuit to run on actual QPU is still through Cirq.
So let’s build the 2 qubit grover search algorithm for 00

Note: If you want to know more about Grover Search Algo, please read this

For more please check

