A dumb man
2 min readJul 11, 2017


I’m not sure Trump is withstanding scrutiny, rather he just doesn’t give a shit because he has a legion of fans that praises everything he does because their own politics is nothing beyond 'fuck you liberals’. The GOP doesn’t really care because they just need a rubber stamp to make their monstrous bills become law. They’d be fine with Pence being in charge even if Trump were to get out of office before the end of his term, which might be even worse because Pence doesn’t have dementia like Daddy Donald.

The focus on Russia is largely an attempt by Democrats to avoid any responsibility for putting a horrible candidate like Clinton at the top of the ticket. That capped off a lost decade of repeated incompetence and bungling, ceding ground for no reason and becoming disinterested in connecting with real people. Enough of the electorate was disillusioned with the false promises and blithe ignorance of the Democrats that they stayed home, and that let the party whose moronic ideology created the financial collapse and the Iraq War take power.

And it is horrifying, because the response by the Democrats is largely a show of shock and outrage with no real consequence. It’s actually not a minor thing to accuse a foreign power of attacking America’s sovereignty. Sanctions would not be remotely proportional or appropriate response.

If Trump actually colluded (which I’m still not sure he’s even conscious enough to do), that is an act of war. The oath of office is to defend the United States and its Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic. I don’t want world war 3, especially since the proximate cause would essentially be to defend the honor of Clinton. Never mind the redhats, who have crossed over into cult worship of Trump, have enough guns to fight a civil war in America. The right wing militia movement has long been identified as the number one domestic threat, and now they have an avatar to channel their hatred of the blacks and the gays and the immigrants and the libs through God Emporer (sic) Trump.

The truth is that this is all enforced error. Bernie would have won, it’s just a fact. This isn’t rehashing the primary, it’s about saving the future. Democrats showed how little they learned by dumping millions into special elections that they didn’t win. They’ve become even more insular and disconnected, instead of just campaigning on Medicare for all the party is still desperate to salvage the sunk cost of Obamacare. It’s not like they have anything else to do with their time, but they still choose to spend it talking up supposed market based solutions. Instead of campaigning on simple promises to make people’s lives better, the best politics they have is to talk about how mean Trump is and how it’s actually a Russian conspiracy to steal the presidency. The current party is too dumb to recognize that those are actual fighting words. And they don’t give a shit, because they think that they are safe.

