My older son’s first erection

Esther Freudenberg
4 min readOct 1, 2023


There is a milestone in every boy’s life that marks their transition from childhood into adolescence. Writing this as a woman, I obviously can’t experience it myself, nor really claim to totally understand what my boys are going through during puberty. But when my eldest son experienced his first erection, I was both proud and nervous at the same time. It was like witnessing something so intimate yet natural, and I couldn’t help but feel a sense of responsibility towards him as he grows up.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

I remember the day vividly; as a single mother, I was swamped in work and we just had dinner plans later that evening. My kids had came home from school already tired and worn out, and my own day hadn’t been much better. I think I speak for all of us when I say that this day in particular, we just wanted some peace and quiet after a long day. David and Sarah still had some time left before bedtime, and tired kids are prone to throw tantrums and argue endlessly when they have no energy left, paradoxically. I was still a new mom, yet this much I knew. I just wanted them both in bed as soon as possible with as little fuss as was possible. My plan was simple. Bath them together and whisk them to bed before they could process that the day was finally over.

The bath was ordinary. My two kids fitting together in the bathtub, playing while I scrubbed them clean. They were giggling and splashing water everywhere, making silly faces and having fun as usual while I desperately tried to not get wet from the spray. Not that it mattered, since mommy would take her own bath afterward anyway.

Now here’s the thing. As a new mom, I was totally in the dark about certain things. When David suddenly looked uncomfortable, rubbing his crotch area, I didn’t really think anything of it. He seemed to be uncomfortable though, and I thought maybe he had hurt himself somehow. I realized he was trying to hide himself from view. I asked what happened, and he whispered, “My pee-pee is all weird”.

At that moment, I felt a pang of guilt. Did I miss something? Was there something wrong with him? What did I do or not do? I quickly checked if he needed medical attention, and thankfully, everything seemed fine. But then he started pointing downwards, asking me to look underwater. And there it was — his very first erection! A small one, yes, but visible nonetheless.

As a parent, you want to react calmly and supportively, even if your mind races with questions and worries. So I simply said, “That’s okay, buddy. You’re growing up!” I made sure to keep it lighthearted and reassuring, without making too big a deal out of it. They finished their bathtub routine, got dressed in their pajamas, and went off to bed, falling asleep immediately.

Photo by Lauren Kay on Unsplash

In hindsight, I realize how significant that moment was. The beginning of a journey where my baby boy became a young man, and I was honored to witness it. It may seem trivial, but I know now that it wasn’t. That moment marked a turning point in our relationship, and I was grateful to be part of it. It showed me that being a mom means always being ready for surprises, unexpected moments, and handling them gracefully. Even if it meant learning on the go, and sometimes feeling clueless. Parenting is never perfect, but it’s worth it.

I eventually learned that all boys can experience erections, even if they haven’t reached puberty yet. Some children develop earlier than others, which can cause confusion and anxiety. For parents, it’s essential to approach such situations with care and understanding. Explain what’s happening in age-appropriate language, and encourage communication between you and your kid. Remember, it’s normal and healthy. Don’t make a big deal out of it, but don’t ignore it either.

Those were the days before Google or social media, and I wish I had known more back then. Nowadays, information is readily available online, and communities offer support. If you need guidance, it’s all at your fingertips. But pre-internet, finding out if your son getting boners pre-puberty is normal was way tougher. I asked my own parents, who didn’t knew. I asked friends (No luck there), and I even contemplated dialing 911 (It felt like an overreaction).

Thankfully, during his annual checkup, I brought it up with the pediatrician, who confirmed it was common. Phew! Still, I felt relieved knowing I wasn’t alone in my ignorance, and I could handle it well enough. With time, I gained confidence in my role as a mom, trusting my instincts and doing research along the way.

Today, my boys aren’t kids anymore, and I am immensely proud of them. Their journeys have been filled with ups and downs, triumphs and challenges, but I wouldn’t trade any second of it. Being their mom has taught me resilience, empathy, and love beyond measure.

Still, no more shared baths after that!



Esther Freudenberg

I'm Esther - a mom with a passion for writing on topics related to family & sexuality. I create open dialogues around these sensitive subjects