21 Simple Tips You Can Do at Home for Hair Growth

Advanced Hair Studio Pvt Ltd
3 min readSep 26, 2019

Long and healthy hair are signs of a healthy body and mind. In the desire of getting long, shiny and good looking hair, we keep on bouncing from one product to another. Although we have numerous hair products for hair regrowth, home remedies are natural and always the best option for hair care.
Here are simple home remedies that will help to stimulate growth and enhance the quality of your hair:

1. Onion
Onions are best known for their antibacterial property that helps to keep the scalp free from infections. Infection that occurs during the change of season and results in hair loss. On the other hand, it helps to circulate the blood flow which helps in hair nourishment.

2. Ginger
It acts as a natural conditioner for the scalp by healing dryness and restoring the moisture in the hair.

3. Massage
Scalp massage is mostly recommended for natural hair growth and relaxation. Stimulation of blood vessels by creating gentle pressure on a particular motion over scalp creates blood flow which leads to faster growth of hair.

4. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera contains over 75 essential nutrients, out of these 75 nutrients amino acid and proteolytic enzymes are useful for improving the quality of hair and scalp. Avoid purchasing chemical products and switch to this natural ingredient for hair treatment.

5. Eggs
Adequate intake of protein promotes healthy hair. Egg white is also used as a hair mask for the scalp. It prevents hair damage and hair loss.

6. Lemon
Lemon has long been used in Ayurveda for its healing property as it contains minerals and essential oils.

7. Black Tea
Caffeine blocks hormones which are responsible for hair loss. Adding stimulation to the scalp which in return reduce shedding and strengthen hair quality.

8. Rice Water
Rice water is an ancient technique to grow beautiful and healthy hair as it contains vitamin B that nourishes the roots.

9. Fenugreek Seeds
Seeds help in curing dandruff, hair loss, itchy and scaly scalp and lead to stimulation of hair regrowth.

10. Apple Cider Vinegar
Vinegar protects the scalp by waving off bacteria and balancing the pH level.

11. Hibiscus Oil
Vitamins & Minerals in Hibiscus oil have multiple benefits in protecting hair loss.

12. Amla
Amla can be consumed in the form of juice, powder or oil. It’s a magical fruit that brings numerous benefits to hair, body & skin.

13. Almond Oil
Almond oil contains vitamin E, Omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium and other vital nutrients that nourished and strengths hair. Few drops of almond oil add shine to your hair.

14. Castor Oil
The ricinoleic acid in castor oil helps to fight inflammation. Enhancing hair follicles health which in turn promotes hair regrowth.

15. Honey
Honey seals moisture in hair and acts as a natural conditioner. This reduces breakage, which is the main cause of hair loss.

16. Fish Oil
Deficiency in the body leads to hair loss or color change. Fish oil provides strength through various minerals to weak hair.

17. Rosewater
Stabilization of hair through stabilizing pH level promotes hair growth. Rosewater has a similar pH as of hair.

18. Rosemary Oil
Rosemary in the form of oil is used for centuries in Indian culture for various purposes. Rosemary oil is popular for hair treatments.

19. Potatoes
Starch present in potatoes helps to activate healthy cells in the scalp and extract the excess oil present in the scalp which causes hair breakage.

20. Eating Healthy
Our food plays an important role in hair growth. Protein is essential for long hair hence you should include protein-rich foods like fish, dairy, pulses, eggs, nuts, and soya.

21. Stay Hydrated
Water is essential for your body, hair, and skin too. A dehydrated body leads to breakage-prone hair, so make sure you drink sufficient amount of water every day.

If you are experiencing any kind of hair problem and wish to get rid of them, then Advanced Hair Studio is the best hair clinic for you. Having more than 45 years of experience, Advanced Hair Studio has been offering successful hair loss treatments to millions of people around the world.

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Advanced Hair Studio Pvt Ltd

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