5 Ways ServiceNow ITAM Can Boost Your Business Efficiency

Advance Solutions Corp. (ADVANCE)
4 min readApr 17, 2024


An image shows the thumbnail of the blog titled, 5 ways ServiceNow ITAM can boost your business efficiency.

IT assets are the lifeblood of most businesses from hardware and software to licenses and cloud resources, efficient management of these assets is crucial for maximizing return on investment (ROI) and driving business success. However, traditional IT Asset Management (ITAM) methods can be cumbersome and time-consuming, leading to inefficiencies and hindering agility.

Organizations can acquire a complete perspective of their IT assets, expedite management processes, and eventually improve overall business efficiency by utilizing a centralized platform such as ServiceNow. Here are five major ways that ServiceNow ITAM can transform your approach to IT asset management:

Streamlined Workflows and Automation

ServiceNow ITAM automates many time-consuming ITAM tasks. The Now platform may drastically minimize manual burden in areas such as onboarding new assets, assigning licenses, tracking software renewals, and asset retirement. Automated workflows promote uniformity and accuracy across all ITAM procedures, freeing up valuable IT resources to pursue more strategic goals.

For example, ServiceNow may automate license deployment when new devices are registered, reducing the risk of human error, and assuring compliance. Automated renewal reminders for software subscriptions help to avoid costly downtime caused by expired licenses. These efficiency advantages lead to lower operational expenses and more productivity for IT teams.

An image shows the benefits of ServiceNow ITAM best practices.
Benefits of ITAM best practices

Optimized Visibility and Control

One of the most significant advantages of ServiceNow ITAM is the ability to gain complete visibility into your entire IT asset landscape. The Now platform serves as a consolidated repository for asset data, such as hardware inventory, software licenses, and cloud subscriptions. This eliminates the need for several spreadsheets and manual tracking, resulting in a single source of truth for all asset data.

You can track software license usage and ensure compliance with vendor agreements. This level of transparency empowers IT teams to make informed decisions about asset allocation, optimization, and potential upgrades.

Improved Cost Optimization and Resource Management

Effective ITAM enables organizations to optimize their IT spending and maximize the return on investment (ROI) for their assets. ServiceNow ITAM analyzes software consumption trends to help you find underutilized licenses or hardware that can be redeployed or repurposed. This data-driven approach reduces wasteful spending on underutilized resources.

The tool can also help you track software subscriptions and find chances for vendor consolidation or negotiation. Furthermore, having a thorough understanding of asset lifecycles allows firms to plan for asset refresh cycles and make informed decisions regarding upgrades or replacements, resulting in more efficient resource allocation.

Elevated Security and Compliance

A robust ITAM is essential for ensuring security and compliance with industry standards and software license agreements. ServiceNow ITAM enables you to track vulnerabilities linked with certain software versions and automate patching operations, reducing the likelihood of security breaches.

By successfully managing software licenses, you can assure compliance with vendor agreements while avoiding potential fines or legal consequences. ServiceNow ITAM also streamlines the auditing of IT assets by providing detailed data and records for regulatory compliance.

Enhanced Decision-Making and Strategic Alignment

ServiceNow ITAM does more than just manage assets; it enables educated decision-making. The Now platform delivers useful insights on IT spending, resource utilization, and software usage trends, enabling you to make data-driven decisions about future IT investments.

For example, using insights into software usage, you may prioritize investments in new technologies that meet actual business requirements. Additionally, the now platform improves collaboration between business units and IT teams. Clearer visibility into asset and consumption trends enables a more strategic approach to IT resource allocation, guaranteeing alignment with overall business objectives.

Read this blog to explore why choose ServiceNow IT Asset Management (ITAM) for your business.


Investing in ServiceNow ITAM is a strategic decision that can significantly enhance your organization’s overall business efficiency. The Now platform empowers you to gain control of your IT assets, optimize resource utilization, and make informed decisions about future investments. By streamlining workflows, automating tasks, and improving visibility, ServiceNow ITAM ensures that your IT assets are not just managed effectively but also contribute directly to achieving business goals.

Contact a trusted ServiceNow partner today to explore how ServiceNow ITAM can transform your IT asset management strategy and propel your business to new heights.



Advance Solutions Corp. (ADVANCE)

Advance Solutions (ADVANCE) is an Elite ServiceNow partner with an experience of over 15 years and has worked with more than 25% of Fortune 100 companies.