“Saving America from Fascism”

Means what, exactly? Does anyone actually know?

Adventures in the Free World
7 min readSep 3, 2023
Benito Mussolini waves at a massive crowd of supporters. Rome, Italy. Circa 1920–1930. (Wikimedia Commons)

There’s been an ongoing obsession among many Americans over the past seven years (since 2015 when Bernie Sanders ran in the Democratic primaries and Hillary Clinton lost the election to a reality show clown, if that helps) over “fascism.” The word “fascism” has been in the media almost as frequently as “Russia” and “Trump.” Along with this has been various forms discourse ranging from casual buzz to outright hysteria about “saving America from fascism,” “stopping fascism,” “voting against the fascist [insert name here]” etc.

What’s missing from all of this is that nobody seems to remember or make the connection to what fascism actually is. If you conducted a poll of every media commentator, online personality, and freaker-outer in a social media comment thread and asked them to point-blank define the word “fascism” — as in, what type of governance exactly is a fascist system — they would be unable to offer anything other than maybe mumble a lot of incoherent things about Trump and accuse you of “helping fascists” by asking the question.

It would be comical if it weren’t so sad.

One would think that at least a handful of Americans would have read a history book other than the sanitized texts provided in the…



Adventures in the Free World

Traveler | Dispeller of misinformation | Political & social analyst | Unapologetic leftist | Revolutionary | Humanist | Musician | Philosopher