In what capacity Can Indian Government Help Your Startup

advise 24
2 min readAug 24, 2019

In what capacity Can Indian Government Help Your Startup

Online GST Return In this way, Startup India is a leader activity of the Indian government, expected to build a solid biological system for supporting and cultivating development and Start-ups in the country that will drive economical development of the economy and produce huge size of work opportunities. With new businesses developing quickly, Indian government started ‘Startup India’ development and has propelled Scheme for encouraging Startups Intellectual Property Protection (SIPP). To ensure the thoughts, advancements, plans and works of its residents and to urge them to work insightfully, the legislature has presented this plan.

Consequently, the Indian government through its startup India activity has furnished a nitty gritty activity plan alongside a status report. The activity was begun on sixteenth January 2016 and has presented a status report as on thirteenth December 2016.

So as to meet the targets of the activity, Government of India had reported this activity plan that tends to different parts of the startup environment.

Through this basic activity:

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· From computerized/innovation area to a wide cluster of divisions including agribusiness, fabricating, social segment, human services, instruction, and so on.; and

· From level 1 urban communities to level 2 and level 3 urban communities that are as of now existing incorporate semi-urban and country regions are a portion of the ways the Govt. can enable your begin to up.

Disentanglement and Handholding:

1 Compliance Regime dependent on Self-accreditation

2 Relaxed Norms of Public Procurement for Start-ups

3 Rolling out of Mobile App and Portal

4 Start-up India Hub

5 Legal Support and Fast-following Patent Examination at Lower Costs

6 Faster Exit for Startups Section

Financing Support and Incentives:

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7. Giving Funding Support through a Fund of Funds with a Corpus of INR 10,000 crore

8. Credit Guarantee Fund for Startups

9. Exclusion from expense on Capital Gains

10. Exclusion from expense to Start-ups for a long time

11. Exclusion from expense on Investments above Fair Market Value Section

Industry-Academia Partnership and Incubation:

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12. Sorting out Startup Fests for Showcasing Innovation and Providing a Collaboration Platform

13. Building Innovation Centers at National Institutes

14. Outfitting Private Sector Expertise for Incubator Setup

15. Setting up of 7 New Research Parks Modeled on the Research Park Setup at IIT Madras

16. Dispatch of Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) with Self-Employment and Talent Utilization (SETU) Program

17. Advancing Startups in the Biotechnology Sector

18. Propelling of Innovation Focused Programs for Students

19. Yearly Incubator Grand Challenge

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